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"Good morning, Princess."

Suna rolled down the window, grinning at you as he motioned for you to get into the passenger seat of his luxurious car.

"Not gonna open the door for your 'princess'?" you teased, swinging yourself inside his vehicle.

"No, you'd fall in love with me too fast," he replied, revving the engine before pulling away from your house.

The only luggage you carried with you was a simple bag of belongings; a few changes of clothes and underwear, in case you ended up staying longer than expected, medicine, first aid kit - fighting was bound to ensue, and a pistol.

You roll your eyes at him, smirking. "Don't be so full of yourself, Rintarou. You're just some fun on the side, nothing more."

"You sure didn't fuck me like a side piece." He chuckled, keeping his head facing forwards, but you could see his eyes flitting towards your face to see your reaction. You smiled secretively, turning your head to watch your neighborhood streak past. Suna was driving the speed limit, which surprised you. He didn't seem like the kind of guy to obey speed regulations. 

One hand on the steering wheel, the other shifting the gears of the car, Suna glanced sideways at you, his gaze sliding down to your hips. He raised an eyebrow. "You came prepared."

You tugged Suna's jacket over the holster of your pistol. "Naturally."

"It's not that serious, Princess. You're not gonna need a pistol. You're just a negotiator, is that clear?"

You raised your eyebrows at him. "Things get nasty real quick. I know this just as well as you. When things in Tokyo get fucked up, everyone gets involved unless you get out quick."

"And you're not one to stay out of things, are you?"

"You're observant." You turned your head away from him, breaking the staring contest that had developed between you two. "This-" you gestured to the pistol on your hip- "is just in case. I can defend myself."

Suna hummed his agreement, his eyes glazing over as he no doubt recalled the day you first got into his car.

The car ride went smoothly, as the two of you bantered and discussed the game plan for the meeting.

"Why is Inarizaki even getting involved in Tokyo's business?" You questioned, as you pulled into an area near to where the meeting would be held. 

Suna slowed the car to match the suburban limit. "Tokyo can't handle itself without someone stepping in," he answered simply, shifting the gear stick, but you felt there was something more, another reason - maybe one more personal, more secret - as to why Inarizaki was butting into Tokyo's business. You didn't push it.

The sky was beginning to cloud over, with the promise of rain on the way. Suna pulled up to a tall building with the sign "HOTEL" blazing in neon letters across the two sets of double doors. It looked expensive, to say the least.

You didn't want to know how Suna was able to afford to stay in such a flashy hotel while he was still a high school student. It was probably illegal, and if you didn't know, you couldn't lie to the police if you were caught.

After parking, you got out of the car, taking your bags out of the boot of the car. You followed Suna into the hotel, carrying your bags in such a way that it covered your illegal weapon concealed on your hip. While he went up to talk to the receptionist and receive the key to their rooms, you took in your surroundings.

The hotel lobby was beautiful and modern, with black matte floor tiles and huge windows instead of walls. There were a few common areas, with couches, coffee tables, and arm chairs. There was even a bar, with a variety of alcoholic beverages lined up on shelves behind the bartender. A few people sat on the bar stools, sipping cocktails or chugging beers, but the lobby was calm and quiet, with a mysterious aura about it.

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