Demon Blood

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I jumped on Phil, kissed him, and said run. He did as I said. He also managed to grab Dan. I had to fight Jodi on my own. I was slightly feeling sick but truly knew that it was the time. She pounced on me like a lion and bit my arm. It hurt more than it was supposed to. And since I turned into a demon, my scar were visible again and my skin was cold. I couldn't move. My power was slowly kicking in. She didn't realize because I was crying and saying run! I love you!. So she decided to go after them.

Kill them

She ran after them. It was only for Phil though. She knew if she did anything to Phil, she'd be a dead bitch on the side of the road. That little cunt knew it.. But she still grabbed him anyway. I was set off when he screamed. Then she managed to grab Dan. My first anyone that I loved like that. I was pissed all the way off.

The day Jodi wasn't so tough anymore

I screamed so loud.. It was a scream that nobody but demons can hear. She was almost deaf because of it. She let them go and they ran over to me. Get Behind me NOW! I said. They knew that I was serious. Especially Dan. Jodi was almost dead.. Until she got back up. She scratched my face. It's bad enough that I'm not that pretty anyway... I grabbed her hair and had a grip on her Arm and screamed in her ear. Then I whispered I will murder you. I always hated you. Dan is mine. Phil is mine. They are my everything. And if you manage to take them away, I'll break every bone in your body, put a hole in your stomach, feed you to lions and spiders, and record it. And Put it on TV. Try me. The fear In her eyes and the look on her face was priceless.

When Jodi ran away

Jodi was terrified. She ran. She was completely done. And the reason I know this is because she squealed and cried when she ran. Then her Demon boyfriend, Elliot, came in. I was completely gone. He was so cute.  Black and white hair, red eyes, tall, I was done. Phil noticed. Dan was too scared to notice. 99.9% of me was saying don't let him break you but the other 0.1% was giving up. He just... Was.. A pretty face. He had a Cheshire grin and it made me smirk. I couldn't give myself up, so I went over to Dan and gave him a hug to send him a message that he's fine. Then, I went to Phil and kissed him to show that I love him truly.

I see you got yourself 2 boyfriends. They're kinda cute. He said. His voice was melting me. Then Dan said THANKS!! BUT YOU SHOULD LEAVE!! In his scared voice.. It was adorable. I was in a mixture of fangirling. Elliot just flew over him and looked him in his eyes then poked his nose. I couldn't. I just couldn't. I squeaked. And the fact that I was literally hugging Phil was just.. Omg.


I was clearly on the range of fangirling even more. Then I looked into Phil's eyes. They were still as blue as the sky. They sparkled... Like the stars. He had a bit of disappointment in his eyes. I felt bad. I hugged him. Stayed in that same position of a hug for just about 10 minutes while Elliot was teasing Dan. I remember... Every single night.. I always kissed his cheek and said I will do anything for you. Anything  to keep you happy, anything to save you. I love you Philip. And I said it again right now.

Just before we can go home

Dan is clearly getting bugged by Elliot., but then he makes a wrong move. Elliot said you're so cute. And Dan said what are you!!? GAY?!?! I'm not against gay people.. Just let me know!! And Elliot got and and screamed. Do I have to fight him now? I was clearly in the middle of loving my boyfriend. If you're upset.. Fight me. I said.

The fight
I don't fight girls! Elliot said
Then why are you trying to fighting Dan!.?!? Me and Phil said.

Then Elliot grabbed me and kissed me really deeply.

To be continued. Stay tuned for part 4

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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