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Later that night, you're having a nightmare from the mission. In the nightmare, you could not stop the ship from blasting your dad, Tony, and he did not make it. It feels so real, and you're weeping, surrounded by Pepper and the team. 

Meanwhile, in the hallway, Loki is walking to bed when he hears you stirring. He pushes your door lightly, the rest of the way open, and walks in. Gently sitting on the edge of your bed, Loki looks at you for a minute. He hesitantly puts his hand on your shoulder to wake you.

"Cass, wake up." He whispers, nudging your shoulder again.

You spring awake, sitting up, suddenly feeling the contact of his hand. Doing so, you nearly knock Loki off of the bed. You blink a few times, rubbing your eyes, adjusting to the dim light in the room, while also catching your breath. "Where's Tony??" 

"It's ok. He's fine, sleeping in his room." Loki says, realizing his hand is still on your shoulder, so he removes it. You may have just woken up, but you can see how uncomfortable Loki is, fidgeting with his hands as he sits on your bed. 

You sigh, "Ok...ok." Without a thought, you lean into Loki, resting your head on his shoulder, taking him completely by surprise. You feel Loki tense up, and are about to move off of him, when you feel his head rest on top of yours as well. 

A few seconds later, you remove your head from him and lay back down. "Thank you for checking-in on me, Loki." 

He walks back to the door and turns back to you, "Always." Loki then heads to bed himself.

You slept in the next morning, but still made it to the main room in time for breakfast. "Morning, everyone. Morning, dad."

"Now that, is what I would like to hear every morning," Tony says pulling you into a hug. 
"How did you sleep, kid?"

"I....." Before you can finish, you make eye contact with Loki a few feet away, "Not well at first, but it ended quite nicely."

"Hm, ok, well that's good," Tony looks at you with some concern in his eyes, "Bruce and I will see you in the lab later. Have some breakfast."

"Sounds good," you reply taking a plate of pancakes and some tea.

Loki comes and sits down at the kitchen island with you. "How are you doing?" He asks making quick eye contact with you.

"Better, thanks." You notice that he is still quite uneasy around you, which is telling that he is not used to being this way around people. 

"Well, at least you did not have me pinned against a wall, choking me, love." The "love" Loki adds to the end of the sentence takes you by surprise, but you're sure he just has that as a common word in his vocabulary. When you glance in his direction, you notice Loki is smiling.

You stand, "There's still time for that, LOVE." You make sure to accentuate love, causing the both of you to laugh a little before going on with your days.

After working in the lab, you return to the main room and are hanging out with Nat, Steve, Thor, and Loki when Peter enters.

"Hey, Parker! Long time no see!" You greet Peter as he comes up and hugs you.

"Hey, Cass! I'm actually here for you." He says with a shy smile.

"Oh boy. Should I be worried?" You ask him sarcastically, throwing him a bottle of water.

"What? No, no. I was wondering if you could help me with some Calculus?" Now you notice the backpack he came with and the textbook in his hand.

Cassidy Scott-StarkWhere stories live. Discover now