A proper introduction

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The guys told you that you were now apart of the team! The rest of the team is coming in to meet you.

- y/n this is our captain Daichi. Our Libero is Noya. Then I'm the official setter but our other setter is Kageyama. Hinata is a middle blocker along with Tsuki. Yamaguchi is the other middle blocker but he is benched right now. Tanaka is our Wing Spiker. Our coach is Ukai. The manager is Kiyoko. And our ace is Asahi.

Suga takes a deep breath after saying all of that.

- Hey y/n are you coming with us to dinner?

Yelled Noya.

- I'll meet you there!

As the rest of the team leaves you and Suga end up standing alone in the the middle of the court. He turns around and steps closer to you. Your heart quickens a little being around him.

- Why do you play Volleyball?

he asked smiling.

- Well my mom passed away 2 years ago. People were trying to break into our house and she died protecting me and my sisters. My dad said sports can be good ways at coping with that. So I played Volleyball in Middle School. I ended up loving it. Now whenever I hit a Volleyball all I can think of is my mom.

Suga scrunched up his face a little and started tearing up. He slowly walked towards you and hugged you tightly. He wiped the tears off your cheek and smiled softly.

- I'm sorry you had to go through that y/n. We should catch up with the others.

You both ran out and caught up with the others. You all had a great dinner! When everyone said goodbye Suga grabbed your arm. He smiled and offered to walk you home. You started walking next to him.

- y/n, Truth or Dare?

- umm, Dare.

- I dare you to run as fast as you can down the street and yell " I love Volleyball!"

- haha! Ok sure.

You run down the street and yell "I love Volleyball!" Suga laughs and smiles at you. He catches up with you.

- Ok Suga Truth or Dare?

- hmm truth.

- Are you jealous of Kageyama?

He starts blushing and covers his face.

- Yes a little to be honest because he has a lot of talent and is also a setter.

- Well I think you are an amazing setter and you should just be you and do your best.

He stands a little closer to you. He slowly grabs your hand. Your heart pounds. He walks you home while holding your hand the whole time. When you get to your house he says.

- Goodnight y/n! Sleep good! I'll see you tomorrow.

- Night! Thanks for walking with me.

You step inside and close the door. When it shuts you slide down to the floor and scream

- OMG he's so sweet!!!!

- Um y/n you good!

- hey Anna, yeah I'm good I just met a nice boy! And I got on the team!

- you're strange y/n.

- I know.

You say goodnight to your sisters Anna and Emma and then head to your room. You jump on your bed and play on your phone for a while until you fall asleep.

The heart wants what it wants  Suga X  FEM Reader 🏐☕️Where stories live. Discover now