Chapter 1 (Oakley)

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I woke up to Emma screaming for me to wake up. " Oakley wake up!" She said. I grunted and rolled over. Then I felt a heavy body on my back. " you promised you would play with me." I pushed her off and sat up. Then she started to cry, " fine" I said. Then she stood up and started to jump on my bed. " but remember I'm going to go visit Alex after we're done playing"she nodded and ran down stairs. Alex is my best friend that has known me since I was born, he is also my neighbor. I got up and got dressed put my hair in a pony tail, then put a little make up on. When I got downstairs I saw Emma setting up her barbies. She looked up smiled wide. " alright let's get this over with." I said. She looked at me and put her hands on her hips. I laughed. Then I heard Cole walk in with a big yawn. I rolled my eyes and said " Jeez up at 10:00 in the morning." He laughed and said " good morning to you too." Cole was the best brother anyone could have. I also had another sister named Pheobe, she was always sleeping and she was 20,I still can't believe mom hasn't kicked her out yet. Me and Emma played for about 10 minutes until I was thinking I've had enough. Mom came to me and said " alright you should go to Alex's now, I think you've had enough of barbies." I laughed and kissed her cheek. I walked outside and walked to Alex's house.

I knocked and there was Alex. " hey" I smiled. I walked in and Alex's parents said " hi Oakley how are you?" I smiled and said " good had Emma jumping on me this morning to wake up and play barbies with her." They laughed and I felt Alex grab my hand and drag me to his room. I sighed and plopped on his bed. He sat right next to me. I frowned because there was definitely something wrong. " are you okay" I said. He sighed and said " yeah me and liv broke up." I was shocked. Alex and liv were dating for two years, but at the same time I was happy because I might of liked Alex. I kissed his cheek and said " it's going to be fine." We gave each other kisses on the cheek all the time. He hugged me and said " I know" Every time he touched me it felt like electricity. " you want to watch a stupid show or something?" He asked. "Sure" We leant against some pillows and hugged each other. He made me feel safe when I was with him so everytime he is with me I try to savor it. I looked up at Alex and smiled, the next thing I knew was that my eyes were getting heavy so I fell asleep.

I heard Alex's voice "Oakley wake up!" I opened my eyes and there was Alex looking at me. I smiled and said " how long was I asleep?" He smiled and said "2 hours." I widened my eyes " that was a long nap!" He giggled "little bit" I sat up and Alex said" hey do you want to go to a party?" I knitted my eye brows together and asked " why me, you never ask me to a party." He looked down like he was guilty or something. " because I think you deserve to have a little fun with me somewhere else but my house." He mumbled. I lifted his chin and said " I would love to go to a party with you." He smiled and kissed my cheek, I shivered a little. " I'll pick you up at 8, sounds good?" I smiled and said " sure!". I got up and went down stairs, Alex was right behind me and gave me a hug before I went home.

When I walked in the door Cole and Emma were sitting on the couch watching some weird show on tv. Cole saw me walk in and said " hey baby sis how was Alex's?" I took off my DCs and said "good, took a little nap." Then I saw Pheobe walk out of her bedroom. She looked like she just woke up. " well hello sleeping beauty!" My mom said. Pheobe rubbed her eyes and said "hey". I ran over to mom and said "hey mom can I go to a party with Alex?" She trusted Alex very much so when ever she knew that I was with him she was totally fine with it. "I don't care sweaty, but be home around 11." She smiled and I said "I will".

When I got upstairs to my room it was 7:00. So I had enough time to shower and get dressed. As soon as I was done getting ready it was 7:45, so I went down stairs and to my surprise Alex was there. "Hey!" He said. "Hi, your a little early." He laughed and said " yah I figured I could just come here for a while before the party." I loved it when he suprised me because it made him smile when he saw me reaction, I would do whatever I could to make him smile. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Yep!" I grabbed my DCs and kisses mom. "Have fun! She said. I smiled and walked in Alex's car. When he got in he said " you look really pretty." I looked away so he wouldn't see me blush like a tomato. "You don't look too bad yourself." I said. He giggled and started the car.

It took about 10 mins before we got to the party then I noticed that we were at one of Alex's best friends house. His name is Ben, he was AWESOME! I loved him, he was so funny and happy. I looked at Alex and he smiled " yep it's Bens house" he laughed. He knew I loved Ben. So I almost fell out of the car, and practically ran inside. When Alex caught up we walked in and I searched for Ben. When I saw him with his girlfriend Kaydee, I smiled. They were the perfect couple. I ran to Ben and he hugged me tight. "Hey!" He said "hi, how are you!" All of a sudden I felt a tug. It was Alex grabbing me by the waist. I pointed one finger at Ben to tell him one second. " what's going on?" I said "I feel like you should spend a little more time with me then him, you know when you are with him your only with him." I frowned and felt so bad " of course I will." I kissed his cheek and walked over to Ben with Alex, just to say hi and catch up on things. After about 5 mins with me and Alex talking to Ben and Kaydee, Alex asked me to dance with him. So we walked to the dance floor because it was a slow song. " you really do look good tonight." He said. I wanted to kiss him so badly but I knew that I couldn't because he would probably hate me for what I did. " how would you feel if just me and you went to New York for about a week?" I'm only 17 and he is 18, so technically we could go together by our selfs. " I would love that, but I will have to ask my mom first." He smiled and said " of course". I was about to ask when we were going but then he softly brushed his lips on mine. Of course I didn't mind I mean come on a kiss I would take a kiss over anything. He pulled away and said " you don't hate me now do you?" I frowned and said " no no no it's fine" he smiled and leant in for another kiss. " hey what do you say we go get a hotel tonight?" I smiled and said " sure, let's go say bye to Ben." He grabbed my hand and we walked over to Ben.

When we stopped at my house I ran in and asked if I could stay at a hotel with Alex. She obviously said okay so I grabbed my stuff and ran outside to Alex's car. When I sat in the seat I said "ready?" He smiled and said "yep!" He softly kissed me and drove to a hotel not to far away. When we made reservations we got to the room and Alex picked me up and threw our bags. I laughed when he threw the bags. He set me on the bed and kissed me. I felt like I was in a dream or something. "I love you, always have always will!" Alex said. " love you too."

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