Chapter 4 (Alex)

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We were laying up stairs and all of a sudden Oakleys phone was ringing. Her eyebrows went down when she looked At the phone. " it's doctor Brandley." She said. She answered with a simple hello. All of a sudden she looked up and her eyes started to get watery. " no mam I didn't know." She said. I looked at her with a questioning look and she held up one finger. " no she never said anything about cancer or medication." She said. " alright thank you so much, alright bye." She hung up the phone and she was still as a statue. " what was that about?" I asked. She closed her eyes and said " the doctor said she fell down the stairs because she had cancer in her back and fainted because it was too much and supposevly she had medication." I knitted my eyebrows together because Piper, Oakleys mom never seemed to had cancer. She was so strong and healthy. You would never guess that she had cancer. Why didn't she take her medicine. Why didn't she tell anybody. So many questions that can't be explained ever again. " are you okay?"I asked she shook her head and said " sometimes I think I should get a tattoo on my forehead saying I'm fine." I smiled and kissed her quickly. She always had a funny sence of humor. We layed down for awhile until my eyes were heavy and the next thing I know is I'm drifting to sleep.

" no this is not right!" Oakley yelled. We were trying to plan the funeral and Cole was arguing on wether Piper wanted to be cremated or buried. " I know she wanted to be cremated not buried!" Oakley yelled. Cole shook his head " no she wanted to be buried!" Pheobe walked in the room and said " guys mom would be happy either way and I'm pretty sure Oakleys right, she was the one that had mom tell her everything." Oakley looked at Cole with her hands on her hips. " I told you ". She said. Cole stuck out his tongue at Oakley. " you are so immature Cole." Pheobe said. I walked over to Oakley and said " hey let's get some lunch, okay?" She nodded her head " sure, Cole and Pheobe please work on the invitations some more." She nodded and me and Oakley walked to my car. Oakley rested her head on the dashboard " Cole gives me a head ache but I don't know how but at the same time I love him." I smiled and rubbed her back. " where do you want to go?" She shrugged her shoulders " I don't know, where ever you want to go." I thought of a good place. " does old country buffet sound good?" She nodded and I started the car. We ate for about 15 mins and I asked if she packed her stuff. We were leaving in a week so I wanted to make sure she had everything. She nodded her head and we went back to her place. When we got there Emma was coloring on the counter, Cole and Pheobe were working on the invitations. Emma looked up and saw me and Oakley. She ran up to me and I covered my area because everytime Emma would run up to me she would knee me in the private area. " here is a picture for you." Emma said. It was me, Oakley, Cole, Pheobe, and her mom. I was about to tear up. It was so cute that she got all of us especially her mom. She was only six years old and didn't really understand death. " thank you Emma" I said with a smile. She nodded and hopped down. It was already 7 and we had to make sure everything was ready for the funeral. Because tomorrow was the big day. We put all the letters in the mail box and went upstairs. " do you want me to stay here tonight?" I asked " sure, I kind of need you near." I smiled and and hugged her. I kissed her softly and layed down to go to sleep. We watched some tv and fell asleep.

" and may your family be in great blessings." The preacher talked very slowly. Oakley didn't look up once. " you know it's ok that people see you cry, everyone is crying." I told Oakley. She squinted her eyes and looked at me. " that's not the reason that I'm not looking up. " I knitted my eyebrows together in a questioning way. " babe, what's the matter?" She shook her head. " I can't believe she had cancer and didn't tell anyone." I kissed her temple and said " it's going to be just fine." She faked a smile at me. All of a sudden we were all getting up. I stood up and hugged Oakley. She snuggled her head in my chest. " I love you with all my heart Oakley. " she smiled against my chest. " i love you too." We went to where everyone was hugging each other and looking at pictures. " Alex?" I turned around and there was liv. I widened my eyes. Why was liv here?. I know that she was friends with Oakley and everything but her moms funeral. " hi, didn't expect to see you her." I said. She smiled " yah what a coincidence right." Oakley gently squeezed my hand. She frowned and her eyes were getting watery. I hugged her and kissed her cheek. " Oakley!" She turned around and there was Emma and Oakleys grandma. " hey guys and thanks grams for picking her up." She smiled " no problem." Emma jumped in Oakleys arms and cried. Emma wiped her eyes and asked " will momma ever come back?" A tear came from my eye and Oakley shook her head. " no Emma, I'm so so sorry." Emma leaned her head against Oakleys shoulder and cried. " time will heal Emma." Oakley ran her finger through Emma's hair. " what about daddy?" Emma asked. Oakley shook her head " I don't know Emma, we will have to wait and see."

We were at the airport ready to go on the plane. It was extra exciting because it was me and Oakleys first time on a air plane. " plane 214 is taking off in 10 minutes." The load speaker said. Me and Oakley grabbed our bags on went on the plane. " I'm nervous." Oakley squeaked . I smiled and kissed her. " you shouldn't be nervous if your with me." She smiled and leaned her head against my shoulder. All of a sudden she plane shook and started down a road. After about 5 mins we were in the air. I smiled at Oakley and she smiled back. I intertwined our fingers together and held them the whole time. When we got to the airport in New York Oakley was almost jumping up and down. I giggled at her and she drug me to the car rental place. Of course she wanted a mustang. We drove up to a nice hotel and made reservations. When we got in the room. I picked up Oakley bridal style. She squealed and ran her fingers through my hair. Wow was she ever light. I kissed her along her jaw until I made it to her mouth. I layed her down on the bed and never left her lips.

I sat on the couch,watched tv and Oakley was sitting on my lap with a piece of pizza. I snuck a bit when she wasn't looking and she pursed her lips at me. I laughed and turned the channel on the tv. It was a show called the modern family. It was actually pretty funny. I heard a knock on the door and Oakley stood up " I'll get it!" She put the pizza down and went to the door. " hi are you Oakley Boeselager?" There was a man there with a letter. She nodded her head and he said " this is a letter for you. She smiled and walked to the couch and sat back on my lap. " it's a letter from somewhere random. She opened the envelope and started to read it out load. " you know me so come and find me." She looked at me in a scared way and I hugged her. " nothing is going to happen to you and that's a promise."

"Oakley!" We were visiting her aunts house who lives in Pennsylvania. It was only 2 hours away from where we were staying in New York. " oh my gosh girl you have grown into such a beautiful Young lady." Her aunt said with a giant hug. She turned to me and said " and Alex you have gotten so much taller and has more muscle!" She squeezed my arms and I laughed. " yah I was only 12 the last time I saw you, plus you haven't changed a bit!" She smiled " haha I think I need to stand on my tipee toes so I seem taller." I laughed. She was only 4ft 9 in and I was 6ft 3 and Oakley was 5 ft. My family was tall and she was doomed with shortness. Oakley hasn't grown since she was 12, kind of unfair. All of a sudden I felt someone on my leg gripping for dear life. It was Mikey , Carisa's youngest son. " well hello little guy." Oakley said. Mikey stood up and jumped in Oakleys arms. " auntie oaley!" He shouted. Then there was two kids walking out fighting and saying lalalala. It was Ben and josh fighting over something. There was only a six year difference between them. Ben was 5 and josh was 11. " boys I've had enough of your fighting, now go say hi to auntie Oakley!" Carisa yelled. Ben smiled and ran to Oakley. " hi auntie." She smiled and hugged him. Then there was josh " hey Oakley." He said with a simple hug. Ben and Mikey called Oakley auntie because there was such a age difference between Carisa and Oakley and they were like sisters, not niece and aunt. " hey mom can auntie stay here tonight?" Ben asked. She shrugged " that's up to her." Oakley smiled and looked to me. I rolled my eyes" well, I don't know, only if I got a kiss from someone." Carisa jumped up and planted a big kiss on my cheek. " there now you guys can stay." She smiled. I nodded and Oakley ran outside and grabbed our bags. She new that they would ask that so she packed some of our clothes. Ben begged us to sleep with him but there wasn't enough room for me and Oakley to sleep with him so I slept on the floor with Mikey. Mikey loved me. When everyone calls Oakley Mikey always asks to talk to me. Oakley kissed me and said good night I hugged her and kissed her forehead. We layed down and I fell asleep quickly.

"Untle ole wake up!" Mikey was shaking the heck out of me. " I'm up I'm up!" I said sitting up. Mikey smiled and stood up. Oakley wasn't in bed so she was probably in the living room. I got up and put a sweatshirt on. When I got in there Oakley was hugging Carisa's fiancé Chris. Chris walked up to me and patted my back." Hey here's the sport!" I smiled and said " hey ways up man." She shook his head " nothin really getin good money at my job and if you hurt Oakley in any way possible, I will murder you with my bare hands." I laughed " no sir I won't." He laughed and said " so how long are you guys staying here?" I shrugged we will probably leave tonight." Oakley walked to me and said " sounds great." I nodded and Carisa came and hugged us. Oakley walked over to Carisa and said " hey auntie can you call the boys in here please? I have something to say." She nodded " boys come in the living room please!" Carisa yelled. They came stomping in. Carisa shook her head " I have some big news." Oakley squeezed my hand gently and I squeezed it back. " I'm having-

You'll have to wait and see what happens:)

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