Chapter 7 - A mission

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The bird's screech echoed in the sky, delivering a message that cut through the peaceful night. You couldn't help but comment, "Oh god, that dumb bird couldn't be any louder."

"I'm glad I got a Sparrow as a messenger bird instead. It's much quieter, although sometimes it seems as though it gets annoyed with me," the yellow-haired boy stated, casting a curious look at his little sparrow friend.

In response to the news of a mission, Inosuke's face lit up with a big grin. "Hell yeah, time to kill some demons!" he shouted.

"Of course, you would be excited, Inosuke," you remarked, a mixture of amusement and readiness in your tone. 

Right, time to get going. This is my first mission; I should be prepared.

As the group geared up and made their way towards the mission destination, the night air filled with the tension of anticipation.

As the group began to walk along the path, you took a moment to look around, absorbing the scenery. Despite the natural beauty that surrounded you, the weight of the upcoming mission settled in. It was your first mission, and the thought of it was infuriating.

The very idea that demons still existed, posing a threat to innocent lives every day, stirred a deep frustration within you. The cycle of danger and loss seemed never-ending, and the very essence of your role as a demon slayer weighed heavily on your shoulders. The lush surroundings stood in stark contrast to the grim reality of the world you lived in.

Silently, you resolved to do whatever it took to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. The determination to eradicate the demonic threat fueled your steps as the group moved forward, shadows dancing beneath the moonlit trees, casting a somber tone on the path ahead.

"Hey, do you hear that?" Zenitsu said, his voice tinged with unease.

"Hear what?" you replied, a curious tone in your voice, wondering what he could possibly be hearing since you didn't hear anything.

"That creepy noise—it sounds like scratching and banging, almost like nails on a chalkboard. It's horrible," Zenitsu explained, his anxiety evident.

"I don't hear anything," Tanjiro said, his brow furrowed in confusion. "We should still hurry though, just in case ther—"

"What is it, Tanjiro?" you asked, sensing a shift in his demeanor.

"I've picked up the scent of a demon. We have to hurry," Tanjiro declared, urgency cutting through the night air. The peaceful walk turned into a brisk pace as the group readied themselves for the unexpected encounter, the weight of the mission pressing upon them. The echoes of that unsettling noise lingered in the air as they ventured further into the darkened forest, prepared for whatever awaited them.

The path was short, and the group quickly arrived at their destination. A large house stood at the end of the path, ominous in the moonlight.


The deafening sound of a body dropping reached their ears, and the group turned their attention to the front of the house. A lifeless form, covered in crimson-stained liquid, lay in a wrecked state, tossed out of a window from the upper level. Shocked, you  stood there for a moment in disbelief, unsure of where you should position yourself.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔹𝕠𝕪 𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕝𝕕 ~ Inosuke X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now