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✩。:*•─────THE START LINE─────•*:。✩


Since that silly little Bakugo had sped ahead of the group he was currently engaged with a large group of one-pointer robots and the rest of the candidates were currently running as fast as they could to catch up to him in order to at least get some points before the angry blonde stole them all.

Mika, however, snuck through a couple of side alleys until she ran into a jackpot of two and three-pointers, all waiting to be utterly demolished, all for her.

Suck shit, Bakugo.

Approaching the two-pointer closest to her, Mika wrapped her arms around the leg of the robot and gave a couple of sharp tugs until the leg ripped away and it's exposed electrical cords sizzled and cracked. The robot crumbled to the ground and a small explosion ensued.

I just have to immobilise them, right? No need to absolutely destroy them like that dumbass, Bakugo.

Mika continued doing this for about six of her total ten minutes until she lost count of how many points she had gotten.

I'm pretty sure it's in the sixties, she huffed before pulling the leg off the final robot in her vicinity. By now, some desperate students had migrated towards the fringes of the fake city where Mika was in the hopes of finding some rogue robots but were met with a huge pile of immobilised robots and disappointment.

"Yah! Could you not be so greedy?" Some random guy yelled out at her for her to scoff in reply.

"Did you forget this is an exam? I'm not here to help out some weakling losers like you. I'm here to win." Mika spat back.

Mentally cursing herself for wasting time with the idiot, Mika ran back towards to centre of the fake city. She knew that the zero-pointer served some purpose in this exam – there was no way UA was go spend all that money on a fucking huge-ass robot just for show. Mika just had to figure out why it was in the exam between now and before she got back to the main square.


"Clearly the examinees have no idea how many villains are present or their locations," A small, but refined voice echoed through the UA examiners room, "they have limited time, must cover a vast area, and must hunt down every last target."

The source of light in the room was the monitor that showed a small square vision for every candidate participating in the exam. Currently, three boys were the main focus of the screen: one with green hair running away fearfully, one with many limbs shaped like wings staring out upon a rooftop, and another with jet-engines on his calves landing a kick on a robot.

"Some use information-gathering abilities to plan out strategies, while others rely on speed to pull ahead of their peers," The voice continued, "of course remaining calm under pressure can be a huge advantage, as can pure power and combat ability."

The screen shifted its focus again. A boy with a laser around his mid-section, blasting a robot and another panting in amidst the debris of destroyed robots.

"The most successful students use a combination of all these tactics. They're the ones that rack up the highest scores."

This time a girl came upon the screen. Her long brown hair whipped wildly as she sprinted and you could see the amount of damage she had caused in the background of the vision.

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