First love٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

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AN. I'm really sorry most of these are really short but I have to keep some action for the next chapter!

・After what happened in the rain you were having mixed feelings and wondering if he liked you and if you liked him back
・While Jin on the other hand was really nervous about what you think about him after the rain incident he didn't actually mean to not tell you about the rain he just didn't look in to the future
・Tho in the end you both decided that you liked each other and both were determined to confess the next time you meet

Is this love?
・After he brought so much joy into your life you were beginning to question what is this amazing feeling was it love? Did you like him?
・Tho Kei had already decided that he liked you, that he wanted to be with you, you made him smile more then anyone else
・But he wasn't gonna push it so he was not planning on confessing any time soon
・You were still confused about your feeling so you decided to find someone to ask for advice (='∀`)人('∀`=)

○As both laugh
・Both of you had so much fun with each other and Yoneya was wondering what was so special about you, what  made you better then anyone else in his life
・while you thought Speer-geek was the best person at making you smile you were still confused about your feelings and you only pushed them down because you thought he saw you as a friend
・yo-yo man was scared of you leaving if he confessed so confessing was not on his to do list

・Soya took his crush in as calmly as one could but really his head was storming with millions of questions which some of might never get answered
・While you on the other hand seemed quite happy with your feeling you felt that Soya bean was a good choice but the thought of him rejecting you still floated in your head
・Soya was thinking about the best ways to tell you, the best ways to surprise you, the best ways to make you happy

・Reiji was very unfamiliar with this feeling and still didn't know what to think about it but he knew that he just loved making you happy
・You weren't really a stranger to this "crush" feeling you have liked other people before but you didn't know how to act since most past actions of yours ended up in them rejecting you
・Both of you knew that you'll have to confess
・but you weren't really waiting if anything you wanted to push such actions for later since you didn't want him to leave you

・Shun was not ready for such feelings and even he was afraid of such feelings since he knew the risk of being rejected
・When you came to the realisation that you liked him you a sudden wave of this tingly feeling ran down your back
・You knew you didn't have the courage to tell him so you hopped he felt the same and would tell you first but that was just a far dream of yours

・You always knew that you were really lucky that Jun wanted to be your friend but you also knew that there's hundreds of girls confessing to him and your chances weren't that high, I mean there were just so many "prettier" girls out there that liked Jun
・Jun thought of you as the prettiest girl in the world and he would love to make you happy for the rest of his life but he just wasn't sure if you'd like him back if anything he was scared you wouldn't.

(So sorry Miwa was not here before my mistake (・Д・))
○quiet love
・To Miwa love is a difficult thing, shy boi hasn't had many relationships he was happy in, so falling in love is a lil scary. None the less he still knows you are special so Miwa is not about to let you go. (°▽°)
・Miwa has a good poker face so for you it was really hard to read him, but when you did butterflies swirled in your stomach taking you to cloud 9. Even so you are still a lil shy about the though of asking him out.

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