Prologue: Mysterious Killer

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~ ??? POV.~

Night Raid.

A band of assassin that is known through out the entire Empire. They are famous for assassinating big shot personnel like the prime minister's brother, the captain of a well-known squad, and many more. 

One may asked, what their reason is? 

Why are they killing or assassinating this big shot people?

Ever since the previous emperor and his wife died, their son took over the position of being the emperor of a big Empire. Since he was just a kid, he needs to learn everything there is to learn on being the emperor. 

The young emperor, not knowing the truth about his parents death, trust every word that the prime minister said. Before every high personnel on the empire noticed it, Prime Minister Honest made the young emperor his puppet.

But the high noble or any high ranking officers, despite knowing the truth, didn't stop the corrupted prime minister.


There are multiple reasons for that. One of them being to not make the prime minister their enemies. being the enemy of this demon is considered being enemies with the whole empire.

 Another reason is that no one really cares whether the prime minister control the emperor. As long as they are safe, that is all that matters.

A/N: The following paragraphs are not accurate. I just based it on that one picture on the manga where Najenda told the history of the Revolutionary Army.

But some can't stand the cruelty of the Prime Minister. And that's when 4 empire soldiers decided to create a group. A group that will one day over throw the corrupted government inside the empire.

The 4 empire soldier called themselves the Revolutionary Group. The Revolutionary Group invited more people to join them, be it civilians or soldiers. Later on, the Revolutionary Group became the Revolutionary Army.

The army seems to possess a Teigu capable of divination and another Teigu capable of taming powerful Danger Beasts under their command. A former General at the Empire, Najenda, is one of the  Revolutionary Army's Commander. 

Let us go back to the band of assassin called Night Raid.

Night Raid's main function on the Revolutionary Army is to handle reconnaissance and assassinations within the capital of the Empire. In addition, the members of Night Raid are charged with the retrieval of any Teigu  discovered in order to boost the combat effectiveness of the Rebel Army.

When not under direct orders from the HQ, Night Raid opens itself as an "assassins for hire" firm to the general public. However, they do not take just any job from just anyone and will often investigate both the client and target's background in order to avoid possible deception and traps.

This band of assassin normally operates at night, hence the name, Night Raid.

So the question earlier as to why Night Raid is  killing or assassinating big shot people is answered.

And, for some reason...

I am standing near a dead body, a man's body, to be exact. There is a large cross mark on his chest. And this cross mark is bleeding so bad. Of course, from a 3rd person's view, this man is(in fact) dead.

Who killed him? 

I don't think I need to answer that question, as the answer is really obvious.

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