Chapter 21

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Yoongi entered the dorm first, quick steps to the edge of the entrance where he slid off his shoes, walking in and sitting upon the adjacent couch as the other members stood to great the group. Jimin was chuckling to himself, repeating the olders actions, more slowly, and placing the bags he had carried by a wall, Sejin shaking his head at the two. Eunha hadn't noticed, still herself being flushed, and met her standing soulmates with a hint of pink.

She greated them with a smile, just a small curve of her lips that hid the pleasure, excitement, she had gained upon simply seeing their figures.

"Welcome back," Jin said, asking about their trip. Jimin seemed ecstatic at a memory and the others grew curious at his reaction, but he only glanced to their soulmate and then to Yoongi, smiled and said no more, delighting in his own thoughts.

"It went well," Eunha answered, "look at all this stuff," disbelief floating in her words as she looked upon their purchases.

"Did you have fun?" Namjoon asked, a brief smile on his soulmate looked to him, falling within a moment as his turmoil and anxieties swirled.

She was bright and cherrful, not noticing how his smile didn't last. Not noticing the stiffness of the room that grew in her presence, though it had been there well before she returned - the five having sat in stagnant thought. The three others who returned with her seemed to notice though, having now caught on to the front held by the room and the filtered emotions they used to hide from their soulmate.

Yoongi made eye contact with them, asking for an explination as Jimin slowly stepped forward, looking to Tae with confusion and worry on his face; concern that their shopping trip had somehow caused a proble, that he had done even more harm. Taehyung's lips twitched, wanting to speak but no words comming out as he looked to Eunha, making Jimin panic further. At the same moment Yoongi's eyes had made contact with Hoseok's, who, though said nothing directly to answer their queries, took action. "Eunha," he beamed as he got her attention, "lets take this stuff to your room!" And she agreed, taking some bags in her hand and walking to the hallway.

Turning his head from her he called, "Kookie come help," smiling as he looked to the younger, a quick nod answering before they picked up the rest and followed Eunha.

"What is it," Yoongi asked, sitting up in his place. Jimin didn't have this calm, he was nervous about the possibilities of what their answer would be and he was left standing with an empty space beside him now that Eunha had left the room. Unconsciously he took a step towards Taehyung, trying to console his soul, to soothe it's wories by replacing her presence with the closest thing he had.

Namjoon sighed and bit the inside of his mouth, "We were asked a question about Eunha".

The three were confused, having not understood his meaning. "That is what the interview was about.... your soulmate," Sejin said, trying to clarify what it was exactly that was wrong.

Namjoon looked into his eyes, "they knew her name-" he said in a beging of explination, unable to continue as a yell of confusion and upset came from Jimin, "what? But how?"

Jin stepped besides Namjoon, "TxT mentioned her in an earlier interview... we don't know when, or how they met though," he explained, looking to their manager in the hopes that he would find out the details. Sejin quickly pulled his phone, several ardent clicks of his fingers padding against the screen, before a call tone rang and he held it close to his ear, "their manager isn't picking up. Must be busy".

The anticipation of the room fell, and disappointed was absorbed in their shared sigh. "Wait," Taehyung said, "I think I have Beomgyu's number," quickly flicking through screens before finding his contact and calling.

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