Authors note:
Hello everyone! I just wanted to quickly say that this book will be exploring kidnapping, trauma and abuse (both sexual and not) for a bit in the beginning. If you're young or don't like that kind of thing. Here is your warning.Also, this is a GAY book. If you didn't see it in the title now's the warning for that as well. Go read a different book if that makes you uncomfortable.
If you're still here, I hope you enjoy!
Allysia's POV:
I was woken up by the sound of loud clacking on the stone floor, with my heart thumping in my ears and eyes stinging I slowly sat up. it was cold and damp. when the smell of death and mold assaulted my nose I finally saw my captor, he leant down against the silver bars of my cell, inspecting my appearance no doubt. He smelt like cigarette and blood, I desperately wanted to shield my face from his, as it felt like he was undressing me with his eyes.
"They did get a pretty one, what's your name sweetie?" His voice was horse and cracking, and he had yellow teeth that made me want to vomit.
"F-Fuck off.." I croaked out. That seemed to anger him as he stood and opened the cell, he effortlessly picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I had no strength to fight back so I only managed a nasty glare that he couldn't even see, as we walked through the corridor I realized there wasn't anyone else here, Other than a closed silver door beside my cell I couldn't see any potential ways out.
I heard a lock click as he opened a door and light flooded my eyes, he kept walking. Once I was able to see I noticed we appeared to be in a very old building, the walls were peeling and moldy, the floors were scratched and stained in many places with water damage around every corner. Finally we made it to an open room and I could hear many heartbeats around, he dropped me and I fell into a heap on the cold floor, My ribs ached, and skin itched from the dirty environment.
"Look what we have here." I glanced up and saw a man seated in an old stone chair, he looked old, around 50 and wore rag like clothes.
"My men found this one near Old Tree, she's young and would no doubt make a good maid. Maybe even a good wife if you train her up." I gagged at that ignoring the angry glare from a scrappy woman behind the old man.
"Put her in cell house 9, make sure the doll is still there." I wanted to slap the pleased look right off his face, but settled for a cold glare when my arms protested any movement. "Yes Master." With that I was hoisted up and back over the dirty mans shoulder.
What felt like an eternity passed before I was finally given a glass of water, my throat burned with every breath, and I decided to take my chances with the dirty glass to get a bit of relief. The new cell actually had a window, but other than that it was the same as the first one- I thought for a brief second before thunder invaded my thoughts. Throughout the storm I imagined being in my cousins room, sat in front of his fireplace playing card games and laughing away my fear of thunder as rain poured from the skies. His pine and floral scent always made me feel safe.
When I was 9 sometimes I'd sneak into his room during storms and snuggle him, mum was never happy and said I 'needed to grow up and get over my fears' that's why I'll always be grateful to my cousin. He was there for me when my parents weren't; sometimes I like to think of him as my dad, his deep voice read me to sleep many nights and his stories fueled my imagination. That's why when mum and dad died it didn't hit me as hard as it probably should've. When I think of home I see his face and strong arms to hold me, I hear his voice and cheerful laugh to comfort me, I just smell his scent and everything's suddenly okay. That's why I'm not freaking out right now, I'm confident he'll find me. When I finally get to see those dirty bastards begging for his mercy down on their knees, I can laugh in their faces and watch all hope leave their eyes as they realize they kidnapped the wrong girl. Messing with an Alpha's cousin is never a good idea, especially when he basically raised her himself. and with that I say; good luck bastards, you'll need it.

Mated To Royalty bxb
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