Album Name

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It was now daytime in Dublin and everyone was at Brians house

Nicky-"This time zone thing sucks".

Shane-"We'll call them before we head to bed, Mikey said by that time they should just be getting done with the meet and greet".

Maddie-"I just can't wait to get pictures and videos again".

Jodi-"Same here".

Kian-"Paddy texted he said that he has been helping Kyle around".

Brian-"That's great I was kinda worried about him going back with the crutches".

Mark-"Okay so, what do we want to name this album?"

Chris-"I've been thinking about some names, but you lot already did those". (laughs)

Shane-"Well our past albums didn't really make sense excpet for World of Our Own cause we actually had a song titled that on the album".

Nicky- "I was thinking maybe Hello My Love".

Brian-"Or L.O.V.E".

Kian- "I like L.O.V.E".

Mark-"Same here".

Shane-"Okay it will be between L.O.V.E and Hello My Love then".

Chris-"We can let the girls choose then".

Georgina-"We will wait for Delta then".

Mark-"Also if you don't mind Jennie is going to come over".

Nicky-"We don't mind at all mate".

Kian-"Wanna call the kids?"

Brian-"What time is it there?"

Shane-"Eleven it's a bit early, but we can still call".

Jodi-"I'll call Markys phone then". (calls Marky)


Kian-"Hey guys we just wanted to call we know it's early".

Jake-"No it's fine we were just about to call you guys".

Nicky-"How is Dallas?"

Mikey-"It's cool we got a tour of the arena last night".

Shane-"That's cool, what's the schedule for today?"

Jessica-"We just got done with lunch, then we are going to head to soundcheck, then meet and greet".

Brian-"Well we hope you kids have fun".

Maddie-"We will tell the others you said hi".

Georgina-"Rocco and Jay are at a playdate or else they would be here".

Marky-"That's fine we talked to Pads and Ky during their lunch so we go to talk to them".

Jodi-"That's great".

Mark-"We will let you kids go then".

Anthony-"Alright we will text you once the show is over".

Jodi-"Love you kids". (hangs up)

After they got off the phone they recorded the album some more, they all left to go home, Kyle got back home from school with a ride from Tucker

Kyle-"Thanks for the ride Tuck".

Tucker-"No problem mate, I'll pick you up tomorrow". (leaves)

Brian-"How was yer first day back?"

Kyle-"It was good, glad to have Pads and Tucker there".

Brian-"I am glad too, how did the phone call go with Jess?"

Kyle-"It went good".(sits down)

Delta-(walks in) "My phone call went well also".

Brian-"Hey how was recording?" (kisses her)

Delta-"It went good, but man am I tired".

They talked some more then ate dinner, after hanging out they went to bed and so did the others at their houses

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