• Just The Start •

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I sighed as I sat down in the seat of the Bella's bus staring out the window, Chloe to my left and Aubrey to my right. We had all just won the ICCA's and we were on our victory trip and Amy was driving, Everyone else needed a nap due to how much they worked for our victory. Chloe yawned softly pulling the fluffy blanket over her shoulders, her head was on my shoulder and she was on the verge of sleep. Aubrey on the other hand was picking at her chipped nail polish at one point then looking at her phone. I was tired and sore, As was everyone else. Most of the Bella's were asleep except me, Aubrey, and Amy.

I sighed softly, we were only 2 hours in and everyone was still asleep, and Aubrey had finally chose to rest her head on my shoulder like Chloe, I leaned my head back on the seat and hummed a song by Billie Eilish. Aubrey stirred and opened her beautiful dark hazel eyes. ' Beca? ' She yawned softly as she looked at me, her hand on my arm softly giving me goosebumps. ' Yes? ' I reply softly trying not to wake Chloe. ' Could you.. uhm.. Well cuddle me, I'm cold. ' Aubrey tried to sound not nervous. ' Aubrey why don't you move beside Chloe she has the blanket..? ' I suggested. ' Well I...- ' I cut her off. ' Fine. ' I opened my arms and watched as she crawled into my arms and slightly into my lap. ' Is this better? ' I asked, my right arm around her letting it rest on her hip and my left arm over her legs some. ' Yes, definitely. Your very warm Becs. ' She smiled as she curled into me, I felt my face heat up. ' .. Uh.. Yeah. ' Aubrey was fast asleep in a span of 5 minutes, And so was I not long after. I laid my head on hers, Her vanilla shampoo flooded my nose It was very soothing to me and put me to sleep.
A few more hours had past, Chloe had woken up, as did I. Aubrey was still fast asleep in my arms, the majority of the girls were smirking at us and snapping pictures. At one point I stuck them all the middle finger and left it at that. ' Fuck you guys. ' I scowled lowly to all the girls, they all slumped back in their seats and Chloe looked at me sadly. ' What's wrong Chlo? ' I tilted my head the best I could due to Aubreys face in my neck. ' I just.. I ask you to cuddle all the time and you never want to.. ' Chloe looked at her hands and I sighed softly. ' Chloe,  Aubrey asked me at like 2am last night and she was cold and didn't wanna take the blanket from you. ' I huffed. ' Oh. ' She blinked. ' Yeah Oh. ' I rolled my eyes and began to toy with Aubrey's hair unknowingly. She stirred some, I jumped slightly pulling away. ' Beca.., Why did you stop..? ' The blonde whimpered. ' I... I just uhm thought I woke you. ' I stumbled on words, Chloe grumbling softly as she noticed my blush. ' It was actually really soothing Becs. ' Aubrey sat up slightly. ' oh I- ' I was cut off by fat Amy who pulled into our luxury hotel. ' We're here Pitches! ' She grinned back to us happily, all the girls cheered happily. I sat eyeing a tired Aubrey. Cute I thought. ' Beca are you going to let me up? ' Aubrey tilted her head and pointed to my arm wrapped around her waist. ' Oh- Yeah. Sorry Aubrey. ' I moved my hand to let her stand. ' Tonight we party Nerds. ' Stacie grinned. Everyone cheering once more as they got off the bus. Great.. I thought.
I walked out, black jeans on and a red shirt with my leather jacket, I sighed as I sat waiting for the other girls. ' Hey Beca. ' Aubrey walked over to me and sat down next to me. ' Oh hey aubrey. ' I smiled at her, she took a deep breath. ' Beca, Did the bus thing mean anything to you...? ' Aubrey fiddled with her fingers. I gazed at Aubrey and thought for a moment. ' Aubrey.. I..- The bus thing meant everything to me.. I just didn't wanna say anything because I didn't know how you'd feel about it..- ' I shifted nervously, and played with my rings. It was a thing I did when I was nervous. ' Beca, Promise me that you wont freak when I tell you this.. ' Aubrey looked up at me, her dark hazel eyes sparkling. ' I pr..- ' I was cut off by Amy and the others. ' Whats Uppp pitches! ' Amy grinned. ' Time to get our party on! ' She began walking, as did the others. ' So about what you were saying..? ' I gazed at Aubrey as we walked. ' It can wait, let's just go and enjoy our night. ' She smiled to me and held out her hand, I took it gladly and she pulled me into a small jog while giggling.
A few drinks in my mind was foggy, but it was running wild as me and Aubrey danced to the song.

Not sure what more I'm supposed to do
Don't know if I'm still opposed to you
They play our song in this bar
Find my way back to your arms
Ain't seen you since I left your bed
Three years ago I was in my head
Now we're alone in your car
Don't stop believing this on.

I winced softly as the chorus came, all my thoughts flooding to the girl in front of me. ' Beca, I love you. ' Aubrey placed her hand on my shoulders.

My heart's gon' beat right out of my chest tonight
Your hands on me, remind me of better times
Just you and me, we kiss it's like musical
And when we touch, it's all playing back
Like an orchestra
I want strings attached
It's more than love
And I want you bad, so play me out
'Til my heart reacts
Like an orchestra, like an orchestra

My eyes bulged as I figured out what she had said. ' Aubrey.. I..- I don't know what to say..- ' I looked up at her slightly. ' Nothing, you don't have to say anything. ' Aubrey smiled as she caressed my cheeks with her soft hands, leaning in slowly. My drunken state seemed to only pull me towards her, I kissed her without thought. My hands moved to her waist quickly.

Right now I'm lost in yesterday
Replay the same scene in my brain
Play Marvin Gaye all alone
And when you call on my phone
I let it ring a couple times
Say that I'm busy but I'm lyin'
Hit me baby one more time
Like Britney, I'm on a ride

Time seemed to stop with my lips on hers, I blushed softly my face heating up as we pulled away. ' I..- What does this make us...? ' I looked into Aubrey's sparkling eyes. ' What do you want it to make us? ' Aubrey pinned a piece of hair behind my ear.

My heart's gon' beat right out of my chest tonight (out of my chest)
Your hands on me remind me of better times
Just you and me, we kiss it's like musical
And when we touch, it's all playing back
Like an orchestra
I want strings attached
It's more than love
And I want you bad, so play me out
'Til my heart reacts
Like an orchestra, like an orchestra

None of the girls seemed to realize me and Aubrey had left, we had went back to the hotel and to my room. ' Beca.. ' Aubrey breathed as I fiddled to find my key. ' Fuck. ' I mumbled rummaging through my purse. ' Where is the fucking thing? ' I growled softly to myself. ' Beca. ' Aubrey blinked. I turned seeing my key in her hand. ' Damnit Posen. ' She held it in the air with a smirk. ' To short to reach. ' She grinned. I scowled as I began tugging at her arm and pushing her slightly to try and get my key. ' Well Well, Look where we are now. ' Aubrey smirked as I had pinned her to the wall.
Chloe eventually barged into my hotel room, Mascara streaks down her face. ' Chlo? ' Both me and Aubrey sit up tiredly in the comfy bed. She sniffled softly sitting at the edge of it. ' Chloe come here ' I held out my arms, She sighed crawling into them. Aubrey sat up to hug her best friend and me. ' Chlo what's wrong..? ' Aubrey wiped a tear from chloes cheek. I held her and rubbed her back soothingly. ' Some dude... He..- He.... Yeah... ' Chloe mumbled, I sat up and handed her off to Aubrey. ' Chloe where is he now? ' I questioned Angrily. ' Beca I..- ' I frowned. ' Where is he? ' Chloe mumbled something as beca slipped on her combat boots and her large flannel. ' He... He was at the bar last time I- ' And at that I was out the door and down the hall in a flash.
' This is going to turn into hell for Beca. ' Aubrey sighed.

N: Thank you guys for all the support on my other stories, I'm trying to start getting a bit better at writing, and this is how I'm going to start. If you have any tips or suggestions please, Let me know ☺️💕

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2021 ⏰

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