chapter 4

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Cyra's pov

"Juna wants a dog" i stated as i walked into the living room and plopped myself on the couch.

"um-what" my mom said confused

"un perro mamà" i replied

her eyes widened as she turned her attention to me.

"we had to leave olive behind with the boys and now she wants another dog" i insisted.

to be honest so did i. having a little puppy running around wouldn't be the worse thing at a time like this.

"we'll go to the rescue shelter later today and see if we can find a small dog"

"great" i exclaimed as i grabbed the remote for the tv. i opened netflix and put on 'the 100'. ahh yes. a show full of exquisite woman who are mostly murders but somehow are my comfort characters.

A/N: it's literally my favorite show😅

an hour or two goes by before i decide that i'm hungry. i walk to the kitchen to grab a gatorade and some salt a vinegar chips then plopped myself back onto the couch. suddenly the doorbell rings.

great. just as i was beginning to get comfortable again. i followed behind my mom to the door to see who was there. mom quickly opened the door and then i saw her.


"hi i'm Alice" the older woman greeted.

"Natalia" my mom replied shaking the woman's hand.

"we saw that you guys were moving in and thought that we should introduce ourselves and welcome you to the neighborhood." the woman said kindly. "this is my daughter Aysun by the way" she mentioned as she motioned to the nervous girl next to her.

"this is my daughter Cyra" my mom said as she placed her hands on my shoulder. "i have another younger one upstairs, Juna."

both of the women began a conversation about random things like they always do while the shorter girl and i stood there.

i grabbed the shy girl's hand leading her inside as my mom welcomed them in before walking upstairs into my room.

i plopped myself on the bed and the girl sat in the corner.

"so you see me at your cafe and couldn't get enough of me so you decided to show up at my house huh?"

"i didn't want to come here" she spat

"hmm so why did you" i questioned with a smirk.

"i- i don't know" she mumbled.

i sat up on my bed to face the girl.

"you seemed so outgoing the other day at the cafe. why so shy now?"

the girl's eyes met mine. "i have to be outgoing when i'm at work. it's part of my job Cyra" she said with a slight laugh.

"so what makes now any different?" i questioned.

"well for one i'm in your house" she chuckled. "i'm nervous"

"nervous? I make YOU nervous?" i asked surprised.

"yea so what? why is that so surprising? i mean just look at you"

"LOOK AT YOUUUU. you're literally beautiful." i exclaimed.

"i'm sure if you got to know the real me you wouldn't feel the same way."

"i might just take you up on that offer" i said smirking.

"and ruin your beautiful perception of me. uhn uhn. i don't think so."

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