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"Liza give it back!"

Percy Weasley's angry shouts rang out through the Leaky Cauldron as he chased his twin sister up the stairs, desperately trying to retrieve his Head Boy badge that she had snatched from his hands. He had been in this position all summer, chasing after his younger by 3 minutes, troublemaking and deathly frustrating sister when she took his belongings, simply for the fun of spiting him.

"Come and get it Perce!" She giggled from the top of the stairs, waving the badge at him tauntingly, a grand smile on her face.

He sighed in frustration and began to climb the stairs towards his terribly immature twin who was currently laughing like a maniac, getting dirty fingerprints all over his freshly polished badge.

Percy then remembered something, a vital piece of fairly new information; he was a wizard, and even better than that, a wizard of age. He didn't have to chase Elizabeth, he could simply summon the badge and even place some protection spells on it after the fact, to ensure he never found himself running after her again. He reached for his wand, now quite pleased with himself, but it wasn't there. His face reddened as Elizabeth began to shriek with laughter, waving Percy's wand around like a toddler.

Percy hadn't the faintest of clues as to how in Merlin's name his sister had managed to take his wand as well, but he did not have time to think about it now. At the moment, his priority was getting it along with his badge back, then hexing his lovely sister into oblivion, or perhaps transfiguring her into a rat. Scabbers could use a friend.

He quickened his pace, now storming up the stairs rather than walking. He reached the top floor where his sister was dancing in a circle, holding the badge over her head, and snatched it angrily from her grasp.

"Now give me" he hissed "my wand!"

"Aw Perce, you're no fun." She pouted, holding it out for him to take. Percy snatched it from her hands and pocketed it along with his badge, relieved to have them back in his possession.

"No fun?" Percy scoffed. "It's no fun when you meddle with my belongings and take my stuff!"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes, a gesture which greatly angered Percy. He curled his hands into fists and stared at her in mild fury.

"Oh calm down would you, Perce. Don't get your knickers in a twist! All this stress and your hair will turn grey!"

At this, Percy lost it. He stormed past Elizabeth, roughly brushing his shoulder past her as he did so, and walked into the hotel room she was currently sharing with his youngest sister, Ginny.

"How d'you like it when I take your stuff?! Hmm?" Percy shouted, his face an ugly shade of red as he ripped through his sister's side of the bedroom trying to find something meaningful enough to her to take. She should know what it feels like, a taste of her own medicine.

Percy's eyes landed on a tattered old leather journal with gold-cursive font spelling out Elizabeth's name on the front. Percy didn't know his sister kept a diary... He figured that anything precious to her, as well as loads on information on tormenting her as revenge, would be within these pages, and with a great smirk on his face, he picked up the book and went to flip it open and read the first page.

'No! Percy don't!" Elizabeth appeared in the doorway, a horrified expression on her face. "Please... Anything but that..." She begged softly, and for a moment, Percy's face softened and he moved to put the diary back down on the bed. Then he remembered just how angry he was at his sister, and immediately flipped the book open.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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