Chapter 15

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Hitomi POV~

I was in the living room siting on the floor watching TV still thinking about yesterday of the guy,until raph came and sat on the couch then reading a comic book.

"Dad?"I said.

"Yeah?"He said.putting his comic book down.

"Is...there another turtle just like us?"

"Yeah why?"

"What's his name?"

"Spike but his name is slash now."

"No...I'm saying about someone like my age."I said.he looked shocked.

"No."he said nervous.

"Oh...well tommorrow can I go topside alone?"I said.

"No me or your mother has to go with you."He said.

"Ughhh...why?"I whined.

"Because someone could kidnap you and we don't want that to happen."He said.

"Fine."I said,and crossed my was quite until.

"what are you guys talking about?"leo said out of no where.

"Ahhh!"my dad and I yelled.

"Don't scare us like that."I said.

"Sorry."He said,and sit next to raph."So what are you guys talking about?"

"Tomorrow Can I go topside alone?"I said with puppy eyes.

"Hitomi!I already told you NO."raph said.

"Because you always say no."I said.

"I don't say no all the time do I?"He said.

"Yes."leo said,as raph glanced at him."I mean no."

"Great now you say no."I said.

"Is just that topside is not a good place to be sometimes.the world out there can be a cruel place and people can kidnap you and then do somthing awful to you.thats why your safe down here.we're worried about you so that's why one of us will go with you topside."leo said.

"Oh...I never thought of that."I said looking down.

"When your older you can go topside alone,but not now."He said.

They got up and went to the kitchen.then I got up and went to my room to take a nap.


Raphael POV~

When leo and I went to the kitchen I check if hitomi left to her room.when she did I turned around to leo.

"Hey leo?"I said.

"Yeah?"He said

"Do you see hitomi feel strange lately."I said.

"when we came back from topside she was...why?"He said.

"earlier she told me if there was another turtle just like us.i think she it was when we were topside."I said.

"Well maybe she saw mikey trying to scare her."He said.

"She also said someone like her age."I said.

"Who do you think it could be?"He said.

"What if it was vincent?"I said.

When I said that leo almost passed out and I caught him.

"Leo!"I yelled worried.

"I'm fine I'm just that..." He said,and then he started cry.

"I know we all miss him."I said,as I hugged him.

"What if the shredder came back with vincent raised as his son?"He said.

"I don't know leo."I said."I don't know."


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And raph,leo and hitomi lives in another part of the sewers.they don't live with others.

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