iii. the idol and the jackals

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"ooh- chips!"

"hey that was mine!" cushions went flying as the h/cette pounced on the blonde man. atsumu cackled as he tried to escape her grabby hands.

"winners keepers!" he zoomed upstairs with the stolen bag of lays™.

"atsumu you turd!" too tired to chase after him, y/n flopped back down on the couch of the players' quarters. she ended up grabbing the remote and watched her daily dose of courage the cowardly dog.

"courage!" a certain owl-like man loomed over her and she looked up, only to be met by drops of sweat landing on her face.

"ew! bokuto, go take a shower!" y/n cried, swatting at his bulky arms and blanched at the layer of sweat covering her palms.

"y/n-chan!" a figure glomped her. bokuto cheered and joined them in a group hug. y/n gagged at the scent that littered both the athletes'' forms.

"i swear to god, go take a shower- the both of you!"

hinata whined but nonetheless dragged a pouting bokuto towards the bathroom. the h/cette exhaled.

the last athlete barged in from the kitchen doorway and looked towards the girl who continued lazing about the couch.

"what do you want for dinner?"

"woah- you're cooking tonight, yoomi?"

the curly-haired man frowned, "don't call me that. and besides- it's your debut as our manager tomorrow. consider this a special occasion."

e/c eyes turned to the ceiling, the squealing and amusing noises from the television ignored. then she stood up and went towards the man, smiling with a gentle curve.

"let's make steak and mushrooms! i'm gonna help too!"

"make sure to wash twice; your hands might've had germs all over them."

"you wound me yoomi-kun!"

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"you're not gonna go to sleep?" y/n grinned sheepishly at the captain-middle blocker.

"been busy preparing everything for tomorrow. i'm just gonna pack up the things we need and go to sleep afterwards,"

"alright- but if i catch you practicing your choreography again..." meian's easygoing smile morphed into a terrifying expression similar to that of a crow captain back when she served as a medic at fukurodani.

"alright! alright! i won't!" the h/cette cried out as she tried to avoid the burly hands attempting to give her hair a good ruffle. the ravenette laughed and stepped back into his quarters. adriah and oliver (who had been rooming together) ducked back into the doorway of their shared bedroom- not before snickering at the girl's predicament.

y/n giggled went to her own room and rifled among her belongings for her ever so important reminder booklet. scanning through the pages of the campus-brand notebook, she mentally noted of all the things she should do before they go out for the match.

"debut match, huh..." s/c colored hands wove through her hair, spreading it on the blue bedsheets. e/c eyes turned to stare at herself on the mirror by her bed.

"what might just happen- i wonder?"

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"where is she?" inunaki groaned in his bus seat with sakusa next to him, equally as disgruntled.

"y/n-chan said she needed to do something really quick!" hinata piped up.

"i swear to God-" coach foster was cut off when said girl they've been waiting for panted as she sped up the bus steps.

"i'm sorry! one of the water bottles had a broken tab so i had to replace it quick!"

"... i mistrust you too easily y/n-chan!" meian comically wept as the rowdy western duo laughed from behind his seat.

"wh-" she was promptly guided to her seat by the blonde setter.

"now, now y/n-chan. just relax will you?"

the girl huffed and settled in her one-man seat, e/c irises full of anticipation.

"what will happen?"

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at this point- this is no longer a fanfic, but a series of drabbles featuring y/n and her life as an idol and a temporary manager.

you are freely welcome to present any idea as long as it does not involve harm or dark themes. as said- this is a light-hearted story!!

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