Chapter 1 (2 disgusting bunnies and 1 tiger (part 2)

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(Same warnings like in part 1 :P)

(enjoy! - Yuki)

(btw I may or may not discontinue this because of my lacking skills :P)

Tae's POV

"I SWEAR TO GOD JUNGKOOK! COME BACK HERE!" I heard Jeongguk shout.. I swear to God, I have enough of these two peeps, why did I befriend them in 3rd grade? Why did THEY befriend me in 3rd grade?!


I sighed and

"Why do you both always fight? You know Jin hyung will hear you both you know?" Tae said as he rolled his eyes

Of course, Kim Seokjin, the nice friendly neighbor of the twins and Tae, But Jin is only friendly to Tae, Meanwhile Jeongguk and Jungkook? Jin thinks he's very dirty minded, even the soft and squishy Jungkook (💀)

"Jin? Oh yeah, we shouldn't shout that loud, well, blame Jeongguk when Jin come to out house" Jungkook said and Jeongguk was shocked

"I- WHY ME?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO STARTED IT!" Jeongguk shouted and Jungkook stick his tongue out

"Why are we even brothers?" Jeongguk asked and Jungkook rolled his eyes

"Don't say it like you regret it!" Jungkook said

"No Because I actually regret to be in the same womb as you and I regret being a sperm cell just so we both can be twins" Jeongguk said and Jungkook looked offended

"okay okay! Stop bickering you two! Today is our comeback! Let's try to be nice with each other or I swear to God I will get Jin and yoongi hyung to scold you both!" Tae said

Now Min Yoongi is soft person, he can befriend anyone! He just needs to work on his stare.. It can kill people ._.
And I mean kill I mean making all the girls and boys drool over him, But he's taken by 2 dorks named Jung Hoseok and Park Jimin

"I'm fine with both Jin hyung and Yoongi Hyun-"

"PLEASE!! I'M FINE WITH JIN HYUNG BUT NOT YOONGI HYUNG!! PLEASE DON'T TELL YOONGI HYUNG!!" Jungkook begged in his knees as he held my hands (Yuki: I know what you're thinking, but continue), pleading for me to not tell yoongi hyung

"I-.. I'm just joking! Well half joking, but still! Stand up! You're like a baby!" I said and smiled

"PHEW! THANK YOU TAE! I thought I'm gonna see Jesus today" Jungkook said as I giggled, hehe it's so cute when he does that

"Hello? Am I a ghost now?" Jeongguk said as he rolled his eyes

"Sorry Gguk, By the way, you two need to shower already, we're going to  Manager Hyung because of our comeback plans" I said and they nodded

*3 hours later*

It's been 3 hours, where are they?

"*opens door* hello, we're ready to go" I heard Jeongguk said as he walked downstairs

"Where's Jungkook-shi?" I asked him and he shrugged

"I'm here!" Jungkook exclaimed as he walked downstairs too

Jungkook grabbed my hand and we both went to the front seat

"Me and Tae got here first! So Jeongguk! You're at the back!" Jungkook said as I chuckled at his playfulness

"Fine fine, You both win, I'll be in the backseat with snacks" Jeongguk said as he opened a bag full of chips

"Give me some!" Jungkook said and Jeongguk gave him a small bag of chips

"Ouch, that hurts" Jungkook said as he rolled his eyes

*15 minutes later*

We arrived at BigHit or better known as HYBE Ent. And we saw Manager Hyung waiting for us

"You three are early today, huh, that's new" Manager Hyung exclaimed

"Earlier the better right Hyung-nim?" Jeongguk said and Manager Hyung nodded

"Let's get you both ready for the comeback this afternoon, chop chop, time is ticking" Manager Hyung said and the four of us went outside


Hello! Yuki here! Here's the Part 2 of chapter one! I'm so sorry if it's short, It's just part 2 of chapter one after all! Anyways, I'll continue chapter 2 after I download grammarly because of my lacking skills :P

Tell me if you want chapter 2 in the comments!

Peace out my lovely peeps! :>

- Yuki ❤

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