Moment In Time

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Hey people!! No hate!




Anyways thanks for reading!!

~• Alyssa•~


Nicole's POV~

"Oh my gosh! One Direction is coming here and I got tickets!" My best friend Makayla screeched. "Yay. So excited." I said dully. I'm not a big fan like Makayla but they're alright. I only like 2 of their songs but that's it. I mean they aren't the cutest and the aren't the brightest. Just another boy band.

"Come on. You know that your excited." Makayla said bouncing up and down. "No. I'm not." I snapped harshly. Her face turned from happy and filled with joy, to hurt and sad. "Aw. Micky, I'm sorry. It's just you've been not stop talking about it for the past week. And to make things worse, I'm on my period." I let a small laugh escape my lips.

Nicole laughed,"Oh. TMI!" She yelled. We both laughed and then laid down on her bed. There was an uncomfortable silence, so I decided to break it. "So, when are they coming?" I asked turning my head to face her.

"Tomorrow at 7 and you are going." Nicole said propping herself up on her elbows. I moaned and flipped over on my stomach. "Why?" I whined. "Because you just might like them." She stated. "How long will it last?" I asked. "About a hour and a half." She said.

"Where?" I asked while resting my cheek on the lime green comforter. "At Madison Square Garden!" She yelled bouncing up and down. That's a hour away from here. I groaned and shoved my face into the bed.

"Come on. Just think of it. I mean, they might look into the crowd and see you and think your pretty!" Makayla said, looking at the positive side. "Yeah, like they will think an ugly potato like me is pretty." I rolled my eyes.

"Nicole! Your beautiful ok? Now, we are coming back home for 1 hour to get ready, then we will leave and get there to just have enough time to eat." She explained. I rolled my eyes and got up and walked to my bathroom.

I went to the bathroom and washed my hands. I looked up to the mirror and say that my makeup was under my eyes. I sighed and grabbed a yellow washcloth out from under neath the sink.

While I was finishing up, I heard a scream come from Makayla's room and then heard her running down the hall. I heard a loud thunk and I poked my head out of the door. There laid Makayla on the floor laughing.

I fell on the floor from laughing so hard. We laid there, being too lazy to get up. "Nicole. Makayla. What are you doing on the floor?" We heard her mom say standing at the top of the stairs.

We started laughing again and her mom just shook her head and headed back down. "Dinner will be ready in 10." Mrs. Dodson yelled from the kitchen. I got up and headed down stairs to see Makayla's little sister, Sadie; Dad, and Mom.

"Hi Nicky!" Sadie said running to me and jumping up onto my waist. "Hi Sadie." I said picking her up and put her onto my shoulders. I heard Makayla coming down the stairs and jump of the 3 to last step. "Hey Mom. Hey Daddy." Makayla said sitting down at the table.

I put down Sadie and she pulled me to the seat that was in between Makayla and her.

"Thanks for letting me eat here." I thanked. "No problem dear." Mrs. Dodson answered with a big smile. She set my plate down in front of me and I felt my mouth start to water.

There was steaming coming off the mashed potatoes and steak. I picked up my fork and knife when everyone else got their food then dug it.

"Thanks again." I said heading up the stairs to grab my phone and clothes from the night before. "Hey Micky, my mom is home now, so Im going to go see her before she head out of town again." I said as she walked into the room.

"Ok. Byyee Nicky!" Makayla said giving me a hug. I said my goodbyes to everyone and headed across the street. Yes, I live right across the street from Makayla. I walked up the sidewalk and opened the door. "Hey mom!" I said as I entered my house.

"Hey sweetheart." She said from living room. I walked in and saw her laying on the couch. "Haha. Tired?" I asked. "Well when you drive for 10 hours straight, yeah." She laughed. "Ok well Im going to go to bed. Tomorrow I'm going to go see One Direction!" I pretended to fangirl.

"I thought to didn't like them?" She questioned. "I don't. But Makayla invited me and I didn't want to say no to her. She was giving me those evil puppy eyes that she knows I can't say no to." I said dully. Mom just laughed and then I headed up stairs and went to my room.

I reached into my top dresser and pulled out my PJ's and underwear. "Nichole!" I heard Mom holler from downstairs. I rushed down the stairs and saw she had a letter in her hand. "What's that?" I asked cautiously.

"It's your phone bill." She sounded kind of angry. 'Oh shit' I thought. "Yeah, what about it?" I asked putting my hands in my back pockets. "You texted 5,411 times. This month." She stated. My eyes got wide. I did NOT text that much. "Nu uh." I choked out.

I know I'm going to get my phone taken away. "Yes uh." She mimicked me. "Ok. I promise I won't text that much this month but please don't take my phone." I begged getting down on my knees. She rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen.

"I'm not going to take your phone away. But promise me you won't text that much this month." She said putting a pizza in the oven. "Thanks mom." I said giving her a hug then walking back up the stairs.

•~you a stupid hoe you a you a stupid hoe you a stupid hoe you a you a stupid hoe you a stu-~•

I picked up my phone and heard a loud scream coming from the other side of the line. "Oh my god". I whispered as I looked down at the caller ID. It was Makayla. Holy crap! "What?!" I yelled into the phone. "I can't contain my excitement anymore! I can't stop smiling." She said. Yeah I could tell she's smiling. "We'll watch their funny moments until you fall asleep or calm down." I recommended.

"Yeah, like watching the One Direction funny moments will help me go to sleep. It will just make me more excited!" She laughed. "Well then your screwed."  I responded, not knowing what else to say. "Ok well I got to go take a shower. Night whore." I said. "Night bitch." She said hanging up.

We mess around like that. That how our amazing friendship works. I grabbed my phone. I grabbed my underwear, spandex and loose t-shirt. I walked across the hall, into the bathroom and sat my stuff on the cabinet. I turned on the shower to let it heat up and began to strip my cloths off. I stepped into the shower and winced at the steaming hot water.

'I wanna scream and shout and let it all out. And scream and shout and let it out. We sayin oh we oh we oh we oh.'  I sang. Yes I am a shower singer and I can't help it. Blame my mom.

I turned the water off and grabbed my lime green towel. I dried off and put on my clothes then grabbed my phone. "Good night mom! Love you." I yelled downstairs. I walked into my bedroom to see Makayla. "Dude! What the hell?" I asked sitting down on my bed. "I came through the window." She said with a smirk. "Dude, we agreed not to do that anymore." I mentioned. "Well I don't care. And tomorrow is going to be the best day ever." Makayla said flipping out.

"Well, tomorrow is the last day of school forever! But I don't know the other reason?" I said. "Come on. Your excited." Makayla said playfully punching my arm. "Whatever. Just go home and rest." I said pointing to the window. "Can't I just use the front door?" She whined. "Nope." I said popping the p. "Ugh fine. See you tomorrow." She said slinging her leg out the window and climbing down the ladder. I shut the window and laughed.

I plugged my phone into the charger and turned off the lights. 'Tomorrow is going to be a long day.' I thought then drifted off.


I think I did pretty good! Lol give feed back and vote pleeeaaaase!

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