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* Hal  banter. *
Setting: Isle.
Mal :* walks towards her hide out. *
Harry : Well well Someone's on the wrong side of the barrier. *smirks. *
Mal : Ugh. You.
Harry : Yes , did you miss me ?
Mal : Not really.
Harry : Lies.
Mal : Belive what you want Hook.
Harry : Oh I will.
Mal : Bye. * goes up to her hideout. *
Harry : See you later. 
Mal :Doubt it !
Harry : The old coffee shoppe at 4 yeah?
Mal : * groans. * Yeah Harry sounds good.
Harry : Great. See you then darling. *walks away. *
Mal : I hate him a little less at this moment. * hides face in a pillow. *

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