Chapter 2 : Don't You Ever Leave Me

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The next morning Sami noticed Nasty hasn't come down for breakfast he thought he was just sleeping so he went up to his room to check on him. " Jan love you alright " he asked knocking on the door. Nasty had a rope he brought he put it over the bedpost tried to step in it when Sani opened the door. " Jan WTF ? ! " Sami yelled Nasty had somehow caught himself in the rope was nearly chocked to death Sami helped him get loose Nasty fell to the ground barely breathing Sami picked hin up and put him on the bed. He was shaking really bad Sami hugged him close Nasty still shaking pretty bad inside he laid on Sami's chest and cried. " I'm so sorry " he said hugging his friend. " WTF were you thinking ? We just lost Razzle we can't loose you too " said Sami almost in tears. " Are you mad ? " he asked looking up at Sami wity tear filled eyes. " No I'm not mad I was worried your safe now I'm here your not alone we're all in this together " Sami whispers to him gives him a great big hug. Sami got out his phone went on Pandora started playing the song No I In Beer by Brad Paisley he knew it was Nasty's favorite song to help him get through the rough times it always calmed him down the only country song he liked. He put his hand on Nasty's belly the baby was kicking like crazy being the big teddy bear Sami was he held Nasty in his arms he never seen his friend so sad he wished he could take his pain away. " Your not gonna tell Michael are you ? " Nasty asked nervously. " No I won't this is just between us I'm here for you I love you so much " said Sami running his fingers through his hair kissing his head. Nasty drifted off to sleep.

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