01 ♥ Holding Hands

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Well this took much longer than first intended to post up....

Anyway, enjoy the first one-shot! Though it's not that long, but at least it's finally up!


After his talk with Sayid, Charlie feels a little better. Not completely, he killed a guy for fucks sake, but better than he was before. Although, it was someone who deserved it, but still, he killed someone. Something that he never thought he'd be capable of doing, but after what Ethan did to Claire, it's what had to be done.

Though ever since he had killed Ethan, he's been avoiding Claire. He's not sure why. Maybe because he's afraid she's going to look at him differently now. But really he's just being stupid. Even if Claire doesn't remember Ethan and what he did, she understands why he had to kill him.

So he's decided now to take Claire up on that walk. Something that he shouldn't have refused earlier, but he was just being stupid.

He just hopes she's still up for a walk....

"Hey." He says, making his way over to where Claire is sitting on the beach.

Claire looks up at him, smiling a little. "Hey."

"Want to take that walk now?" He asks, stopping in front of her, hesitating a little. He's hoping she's not going to decline, and he'd lost his chance earlier....

Claire's smile widens, as she reaches a hand out for Charlie to help her up. "Sure."

Smiling also, glad that Claire is still up for a walk, Charlie takes her hand in his and helps her up off the sand, moving closer to her side to allow her to steady herself against him as her very pregnant belly causes her to wobble on her legs a little. But she's quick to regain her balance, and the two of them begin walking down the beach.

Charlie's not sure at what point during their walk they've ended up holding hands, but he doesn't mind. In fact, he rather likes it and he doesn't wish to let go. And judging by the fact that Claire has made no move to remove her hand from his, or show any discomfort in the gesture, he takes it as a sign that she's okay with it too.

The pair of them don't say anything as they walk down the beach, hand in hand, in the sun. They don't need to say anything, just being with each other is enough. It's all they really need for the time being, even if they both know that deep down there's something more, despite barely knowing each other.

They may have just been strangers who happened to be on the same plane that crashed in the middle of the South Pacific and became friends, but somehow, deep down, they just know that they're supposed to be more. They can't explain it, and they've not voiced the subject to one another, but they just know.

Call it soulmates, if you believe in that type of thing. Charlie isn't sure if he believes in such things as soulmates, but it's the only thing he can think of to describe the way he feels about Claire. It's like a part of him was missing, until he met Claire. She fills a void the heroin never could, and he feels much better around her than any wicked fix ever could.

He could write songs about this feeling he has for Claire, and he would if they ever get off this island. Hell, he might even write them while they're still stuck here.

For now though, he's perfectly content walking hand in hand with Claire down the beach as they enjoy the sun.

At least there's one good thing about being stuck on some island inhabited by polar bears and a strange monster that he' hasn't seen (and doesn't want to see) out in the jungle....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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