Twenty Twenty

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"It was the year 2020. A great pandemic fell upon humanity. All the plans made for the year were dropped immediately with the dawn of a new evil, covid-19. Or shall I say a blessing in disguise? The whole humanity was trapped inside the cage just the way they trapped mother earth inside their greed and exploitation. Mother Earth ached in pain but all she could gather was sympathy. Sympathy wasn't of much help for her. She was suppressed. All the stress she was under enraged her. She unleashed her wrath all at once on her children. Mother's are very loving but when their kids need to be disciplined properly, she makes sure that the lesson is learnt.
The year started with a chance of world war 3, which was by the grace of god solved. Then Australia was brought down under the infernal anger of Mother earth. When we thought that the danger had settled down and still acted the way we do, she punished us with corona.
Within a blink of an eye, people were facing lockdown. Whole world was locked inside the four walls. Those who caged the animals were trapped inside their own houses while animals walked freely on the surface of mother earth. But hope is a peculiar feeling. No matter how gruesome the situation becomes, humans keep going by holding onto hope. The hope of the pandemic ending kept everyone sane but it wasn't enough. Hope alone was not enough to end this pandemic. People asked god to show mercy, but even the god was on Earth's side. All the hope relied on vaccination.
Every scientist raced to find a vaccine for covid-19. The lockdown which was supposed to last for a few weeks turned into months…."
"But grandpa, why did you say that it was a blessing in disguise?" Said one of the children listening to their grandpa's stories.
Grandpa smiled and continued.
"When everyone was locked down, the focus from the chaos outside turned towards their inner-self. People learnt about mental health. Something which has been ignored for many reasons was now in the spotlight. People started working on themselves. They learnt things they wouldn't have cared about in normal situations. Problems which were once thrown into the cold basket were back in the list of hot-topics. Even though the chaos of the world hadn't vanished completely but it was less chaotic.
Everyone was getting settled to the new lifestyle of being inside but destiny had some other plans. It gave us hope. Hope that things are getting back to normal, things are getting better but humans were not far sighted. One who we thought to be destiny turned out to be death. Death disguised itself and trapped us like hungry rats. Once again, covid came on the rise. Spreading even ferociously, it felt like God was punishing us for the deeds of those who controlled humanity. We were punished for the mistakes of the king-makers. Once again, we were locked inside. The hope wasn't lost but no one knew this time, we will be locked forever."

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