The boy

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-----Oceans P.O.V

 moment he walked up to me I could not breath. His beautiful blue eyes and black hair, a lip piercing was shining in the school hall way. 

" Hey, your the new girl right?"  The cute boy said with a smile

" I am a new girl, but I'm not sure if I'm the new girl you want." I answered 

" Your name is Ocean right?" the boy said biting his lip ring sending chills down my spine.

" Yes, that is my name is there something you need? how is it you know my name?" I asked 

" I was just wondering if we could be friends and hang out, I know your name because everyone is talking about you. your a skater right." he smiled after speaking 

Just then someone bumped into him causing him to crash into me making me drop my books. I mumbled a curse word under my breath.

" Oh sorry." he s aid looking sad 

" Its okay not your fault, whats your name?" I asked to the very cute boy with the lip ring 

" oh where are my manners my name is Jacob." the boy said 

------Jacobs P.O.V 

        She is so amazing I hope she does not thing bad of me 

" well Jacob." Ocean said " I would be glad to be your friend." 

" well let me see your schedule for all of your classes." I said and she handed it to me. 

" we have every class together." i said with a simile 

just then the bell rang. as the day went on Ocean and I got closer and closer. At lunch I asked her to come to my housed to hang out and she said that she would be happy to go to my house and hang out but she would have to go home first. At the end of the day ocean asked me to Ride in her car to her house so she knew where it was she needed to go to get to my house because she does not know the town very well. 

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