More Stupid School

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I found my second class of the day relatively easily. It was only two rooms down from my first class. I didn't like my first class. I was hoping that the next one would be less boring. Maybe if they threw in some gun maintenance or stabbing trajectory lessons, you know, something that would actually be of use in the real world.

I had three more classes until lunch. I talked to people next to me and drew dicks on the desks for all of them. The sketching was fun, but everybody I talked to was so boring. No, wait, maybe boring isn't the right word for it. Oh, right, normal. Everybody was just too normal for me.

At lunch, I went through a really big line to get food. It was a lumpy mush of white stuff and some mystery meat. It looked fine, jail food wasn't that great anyways.

I walked over to a table that had a bunch of boys and girls at it. The guys had football jerseys on, and the girls cheerleading outfits. It looked like something right out of a magazine. I sat down and started eating.

I looked up to see all of them staring at me. "Hi," I said.

"You aren't supposed to sit here," A blond girl said, her blue eyes wide in horror.

"And why's that?" I was confused.

"Because we're popular, and you're not, and we don't want you here." As she said that, she stood up, as if being taller than me was going to scare me.

"Not my problem." I turned back to my food and took a big bite.

I could hear echoed "oooos," from the guys at the table.

Some guy sitting next to me reached his hand over, and put it on my lower back. He started sliding it down, flashing his idiotic friends a big grin.

I grabbed his arm and twisted it around, causing his face to express his pain and shock. "Touch me again and I'll break your precious football-throwing arm," I threatened, giving him my best death glare.

I then released him, and he jumped backwards so fast you would have thought that I shot him.

There was another series of "oooos". I smirked a little and got back to what was really important, my food.

"Who even are you?" The blonde asked, sounding scared, but trying not to show it.

"Kadence," I said, giving her a small, obviously fake, smile that quickly morphed into a snarl. "And you?" I mentally patted myself on the back for my good use of manners. Diana would be proud.

"Ashley," she answered in a sickly sweet sort of way, like she was proud and wanted me to know it.

"So, correct me if I'm wrong here, but what I'm gathering is that you're total stereotypical cheerleader." I quirked my eyebrows and tilted my head.

"Uh, yeah," she laughed and twirled a lock of blonde hair. I don't think she knew what stereotypical meant or that I was insulting her.

The rest of the girls started giggling. "I want to be stereotypical. Ashley, am I stereotypical too?" I couldn't tell who said it, they were like a flock of birds all trying to get to a bread crumb, jumping over and pushing each other and all squawking their heads off. I was sure that they didn't know what it meant then.

"Oh don't worry, most of you are." Some if the guys were laughing.

"Hey, she's pretty cool," on guy said. He was tall and brunette.

"And hot," a muscular one with black hair added.

"Yeah, where'd you say you where from again?" Another, this one with a shaved head and the thickest eyebrows I had ever seen, said. I hadn't seen him before, he wasn't in any of my classes.

"Jail," I answered, putting more food in my mouth. Everyone's jaws at the table dropped. Some food fell out of a football player's mouth.

"Jail?" Ashley squeaked out, her voice a much higher pitch than before.

"Yep. Is there a problem with that?" I asked, holding my fork up like I knew how to use it, which I did.

"Ashley, she's a criminal," Ashley's friend, Bridget I think, said.

"Technically, not anymore. I did my time, I'm all good now. I'm a felon, but not a criminal."

"I think bad girls are sexy," guy said, scooting closer to me. It was the one with the big muscles and black hair. "I'm Flynn." He leaned closer to me.

I pushed his face away with my hand, making a disgusted face. "And I'm not caring."

Once again, a chorus of "oooos" erupted. It was just too easy with these people. The other guys started playfully pushing Flynn around.

After lunch, I had a type of musicey class called chorus or something like that. I walked in, and there were no desks in this class. Everyone sat in rows in black chairs.

I took a seat next to a girl. She turned to me with an enthusiastic smile on her face.

"Hi! I'm Emily!" She squealed, her voice shrill and way too excited for our current situation. Come on, it's chorus class, not a crime scene, take it down a notch.

"Kadence." I kicked my feet up onto the seat in front of me.

"Super!! That's a fantastic name!" Emily was really starting to get on my nerves.

She motioned to the guy next to her. "This is my boyfriend Luis." She said. "Okay." I said.

Thankfully, class started then. I don't know how much Emily I can take.

"So, class, we have a new student. She needs to do her vocal testing." Said a little middle-aged woman.

"Kadence West, please come up and sing a song for the class." She said.

"Nope!" I yelled, leaning back in my chair, and folding my arms across my chest.

"Yes, or you get a detention." She commanded. "Bring it on, I ain't gonna sing." I said.

"Kadence West, detention for you!" She screamed. "Fine by me." I said.

Everyone stared at me in shock. I guess no one stands up to teachers here.

The song is American Idiot by Green Day. I love Green Day.

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