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Ava's pov

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Ava's pov

Next Day: Toretto House

I ended up hiring movers to take my furniture into a storage unit. Then i just took a bag of clothes and just everyday necessities i would need for the next few days.

Now i was spending my night trying to find a new apartment on random house websites.

"Hey." Brian peeked his head into the room.

"Hi." i rolled my eyes as he just welcomed himself in.

"I just came to get some new clothes." he opened the closet door to grab fresh clothes. Which makes sense considering he just got home from work and was greasy and had his work shirt on.

"Any luck on house hunting?" he sparked a conversation.

"No... there are none that i like." i let out a heavy sigh.

"Well if you want we can just turn this bed into a bunk bed and become roomies." he smirked at me.

"Yeah. Like that'll happen." i said sarcastically as i got comfy in the bed.

"I'll let you pick top or bottom." he winked being playful.

"Are we still talking about the bunk beds?" i raised a brow in concern. He let out a soft chuckle and flashed his pretty boy smile at me before walking out to take his shower.

I just continued to look through websites to find some apartments.

This lasted up until 2 am. I'll admit me being picky doesn't help the situation.

"Hello?" i spoke into my phone. All i could hear was Diane shouting to pick her up.

I'm assuming she was wasted at some nightclub.

"Javi was supposed to be the designated driver but he accidentally got drunk."

"Okay..." i let out a sigh as i hopped out the bed. I threw on a gray crew neck and decided to just leave the pink pajama pants on.

"What nightclub?"

"The Wild night club." she practically screamed and started laughing.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes. You guys better not do anything stupid." i demanded before hanging up.

Then i grabbed my car keys and slowly crept my way down without making a sound. Which failed because Dom decided to leave his stupid ass boots by the stairs and i tripped in the dark.

the remainder | brian o'connerWhere stories live. Discover now