chapter 15 - 𝕤𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕠𝕦𝕥 𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕕...

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Lmao ash I know you're reading this,I just wanna say thank you for reminding me to write lol I totally forgot about this.

bakugo's POV

"Deku you should be the vocalist!" Round face shouted, pointing at deku.

We are here in the common area because this extras want to start planning what we will do about the band competition."e-eh!? Why me!?can't we just stick to the band like last year??" He asked. " I agree with uraraka! It'll be alot better if you're there,since they already seen jirou,maybe having you sing will give more impact!no offense jirou,okay?" Dunce face said, gaining shocked faces from the others. Who wouldn't be shocked tho?like,since when is this idiot so smart?."no,it's okay. You're actually right" earphones said,making the others more shocked. The fuck is happening here? first,dunce face said something that actually made sense,now it's earphones agreeing to him?are they possessed or something??

"Kaminari is right, having you in the band will help alot,a new voice is better than the one they got used too,and they'll probably be shocked" she snickered. The nerd sighed and smiled sheepishly "okay then,but who'll be removed?" He then asked. It went quite for awhile,but bird head suddenly raised his hand "I'll give you the slot" he said and smiled at the nerd. "Eh?tokoyami?y-you dont have to-" "no,it's ok,I don't want to participate anyways" he said.
The extras just kept talking and talking about what we should do or what we should wear.

"Okay, everything's settled,now.." "the song" frog face interrupted ponytail."right!well,we'll leave it to you guys,is that okay?" Pinky said."hm!thanks for the help everyone!you can go to sleep now,leave the rest to us!" Earphones said to assure them. The others left, leaving me,dunce face, ponytail, earphones and deku. "So....what song should we use?" Dunce face asked, sitting his self comfortable on the floor. "Jirou,dear,do you have any suggestions?" Ponytail said. " I can't really think of anything right now,I want our song to be unique,and..." She trailed off on the last part while tapping her chin. "And?" I asked. They're taking too long on this shit. "...full of feelings?" She finished, sounding more like a question. " We went quiet for awhile, giving each other time to think. When the nerd suddenly broke the silence." Full of feelings huh.." he said and stared at the floor. "Midoriya?do you have any idea?" Dunce face asked, leaning in a little.

He looked up and stared at dunce face,which made us confused. He suddenly snapped his head to earphones and said "yes!! please come with me!" He said. He stood up and suddenly grabbed earphones and dragged her away. "E-eh!?" She said before the elevator door closed. "What just happened?" Dunce said. Breaking the silence. We just sat there waiting for them to come back.

After awhile, pikachu spoke "guys, jirou texted me" "what did she say?" Ponytail asked calmly. "She said we should go rest now,she's still talking to midoriya about the song that they've chose." Dunce face replied. "Oh!that's good news!" She said and smiled cheerfully. I just groaned and stood up,making my way to the elevator.
I heard them muttering to each other but just shrugged it. I then reached my room and jump on my bed. I fell asleep after a minute.

~ timeskip cause I don't have the patience to write another chapter before the competition~

Deku's POV

We're currently in the back stage, waiting for our turn. It's been a month since the announcement and here we are now. About compete,I'm so nervous cause ill be the one singing,but jirou said she would back me up. I was just seating in the corner,not wanting to bother other people in here who seem so busy. I then saw uraraka walking up to me. "Deku!jirou is looking for you!" She said while waving her hand. I stood up from where I was and walked to her. "Hm,is there anything you guys need?" I asked with a small smile plastered on my face. "Deku,are you okay?you seem stressed,do you want to rest before you perform?" She asked calmly, patting my back. "No,I'm okay,I'm just a bit nervous." I said, adjusting my smile into a bigger one."hmm,okay then,let's go?" I nodded and we made our way to the others.

When we get there, the others were cheering jirou and kaminari up like they're gonna perform some sort of concert. I chuckled at the thought,which gain everyone's attention. "Woah! midoriya,you look great!" Kirishima said, followed by the others,who also complimented my look. "Everyone" I groggy voice caught everyones attention and we all snapped our heads to it's source. We saw aizawa sensei, standing near the door looking more tired but you can still see that he's also invested in this.

(Aizawa will full on cheer on his kids and you can't change my mind)

"It's almost your time,get ready." He said and then left. The others waved goodbye at us,saying they'll be watching from the audience.


We are now standing in the stage,in front of 1000+ students. The lights were still off, waiting for the crowd to quiet down. I can here some of the audiences talking.

"Hey,isn't that jirou?"
"Huh?who is she?"
"Dumbass!it's the girl from class 2-a! The one who sang in the school festival last year!"
"Oh! I remember her now! But why is she on the sides? aren't vocalist supposed to be in the middle?"
"Maybe she isn't the vocalist this year?"
"Eh?why not?she's really good!"
"Maybe they have another singer in their class?"
"Meh,jirou is still better"

The two girls kept talking about how good jirou is,which made me more nervous,or should I say.... insicure. I heard someone called me and when I turned my head I saw jirou, she was mouthing something."don't listen to them!just do your best,okay?" She said. I mouthed an 'okay' and she gave me a thumbs up. The lights slowly gets brighter.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When the lights are fully on,I looked up to everyone,

And strummed on my guitar.

Lmao imma end it here for now. Maybe I would update tommorow or the other day. Anyways,hope you enjoy!;))

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