#9 Birthday Prank

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3rd person pov

Today, 4th July is Penny's 9th birthday. The island are planning to do something special for her, they are going to...........PRANK her, then surprise her in the end. **Being mean to my best friend on her birthday**, you guys might have heard about this before, yup, they are doing that. There is a secret place on Big Swirl, and no one goes there because it is not known to have anybody there, so they decided to throw the party there. Bea and Speedy will be decorating while the other islanders are in on the prank.

Penny: Hey everyone.

Brody: Oh hi.

Rod: Penny, can't you see we are busy here?

Penny: But today is a special day, remember?

Swift: Oh yeah, USA's Independance Day

Penny: No, not that. Like someone's Birthday?

Rod: Birthday? Oh, its Post Malone's birthday.

Penny: No, nevermind.

Penny walked away sadly, she could not believe that her bestest friends forgot about her birthday.

Penny: How could they? At least the juniors would remember it. I'll go find them.

               Hey guys.

Anyu: Hi.

Penny: So, you guys know what day it is today?

Timmy: Thursday?

Penny: Like what special day?

Tina: Um.......The USA Independance Day?

Penny: It is but who's birthday it is today? Someone you know.

Wally: Yeah I remember now, it's Post Malone's birthday.

Penny: Yes it is but that is not who I'm talking about, try to think again.

Tina: Hm........Noah Beck?

Wally: No, Noah Beck's birthday is May 4. Today is July 4.

Tina: Oh yeah, sorry Penny. I don't know what are you talking about. You should call us before coming here, like we're in middle of something and you kinda interrupted us.

Penny: Oh sorry, I guess I'll go then.

Penny was so confused, just yesterday they were talking about it and now they have forgotten.


Tina: I feel so bad for saying that.

Anyu: I know right, but we are going to make it up to her later.

Timmy: Yeah.


Penny: How could they forgotten about it? And why are they so mean?

Penny is walking back to HQ with the cadets in it.

Penny: Hey guys.

Rod: Oh it's you again.

Penny: Why are you talking like that?

Rod: Is it wrong?

Penny: No, it's not but you guys being..............rude.

Swift: Anyways, let's play a game. Who can guess the landmark gets a point.

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