Not Into You; A 1D Fanfiction; Table Of Contents

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Chevron Towne isn't your average girl. She's trapped in London alone, and trying to get back to Washington D.C. in the United States. Only that's pretty hard when you're 17, and don't have a passport or I.D. Not only is she trying to dodge the police for being illegal in London, but she's also trying to dodge any adults who could kidnap or report her. Her parents are in Africa with her passport, and basically no communication to the outside world until the next flight out of there- a month and 2 weeks from now.

Chevron is instantly thrown in the world of One Direction fandom the second she steps into the streets. She already knows about the wildly popular boy band; and she hates them. So when they meet her and are instantly attached to her, Chevron does all she can to catch a plane to America and get away from them as quickly as possible.

She's just not into you

Disclaimer; I do not own the pictures in the book cover, but I do own the cover. Also, I do not own One Direction, basically anything except the plot and the made-up characters. Those are mine. Also, the fictional characters are... fictional. As they say, any resemblence to the living or dead is purely coincidental.

ANOTHER NOTE- If I had tons of fans, I'd dedicate it to them. But however reads this, I shall dedicate it to you. So, therefore I am dedicating the fans.

One last one- Chevron does NOT fall in love with One Direction. So if you're on the hunt for romance, this is the wrong place. But even if you are, you should read it anyway. It's funny, and I bet you'll like the ending. :)

P.P.P.S.- I have never been to London, or England for that matter. I have never met One Direction, and I have not internet stalked them. I honestly have no idea what their personalities are like. So if they seem nothing like they are, I apologize. I've read one article on them, and that's it.

P.P.P.P.S.- Enjoy. :)

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