~4~ ??? got to Izuku First

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Izuku's POV

I was so excited today because heroes are gonna come and help us train. I cant wait this is going to be so exciting.

I can ask them questions for my hero analysis book.

Time skip

3rd POV

I was at the field and there was many heroes, I was about to approach all might when suddenly one of my teacher came infront of me.

"Hello Midoriya, I was thinking and thought we could be training partners for this training, if that's alright with you" ??? Said ignoring the glares from the other guys.

"Oh, it's alright we can train together" izuku told him as they were training began to feel weak.

He drop to his knees and was having trouble breathing and then everything went black.

He jolted up as he looked at where he was.

He was just at the infirmary, he look to his left and see...


Asleep right next to him.

He smiled and went back to sleep while he buried his face on ectoplasm chest.

Time Skip

As ectoplasm was waking up he look down and saw izuku all snuggled up next to him, his face buried in his chest as he started to freak out, he doesn't want to wake him up but he has to teach a class he then heard him waking up and look up at him with a smile and said "hi sorry if I slept on you" "oh no it's ok really" he said freaking out "well I gotta head back to the dorms and rest there" he said getting up before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

He just sat there shock at what just happened, not gonna lie this was the best day of his life


Sorry for making you wait guys and sorry if this is short I got alot of books to do and I just kept making new deku aus.


My favorite book: The Last Glactix

Zodiac Power

Broken Ice

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