Chapter 1. Swyncrest High

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It was another normal day for Jake. Even though it was his birthday. Wake up half way through the day, reach for his laptop and waste time for another couple of hours, then making breakfast/lunch for himself and his girlfriend before either going out with his mates or watching a film. Bearing in mind this is a school holiday that Jake is on. Otherwise, he would be late for school, always getting told off, but still looking attractive for the ladies. You see, even though Jake had a girlfriend he liked to think he could flirt with the other girls at school. It is what his girlfriend does anyway.

So this particular day, Jake gets a lie in. I'm not exactly saying it's a well deserved one, but it's a lie in all the same. Last night, Jake's girlfriend Hayley was seen down an alleyway making out with an older man. Jake was told by his best mate Harry who was on his way home from the party Hayley was meant to be attending. This recent event coursed an uproar in the world of gossip as Hayley's reputation shot up. Yes, you heard me, I did just say up. There's something about the girls at Swyncrest High that's not quite right. They are somewhat unique with their ways of thinking and attitude. I wouldn't quite call them a CHAV, however they all slack off school and cannot be bothered with the learning side to life. Most of them are whores.

The boys aren't much different but it's safely said that they are not as bad as the girls. Jake is among the popular ones which isn't a surprise as he has Hayley who is the most popular of all. She likes to know she can lead and control a group of people. And she currently has the whole school. Overtime, Swyncrest High's teachers have given up, and most of them, given in to the girls. Now they all wear their own clothes, obide their own rules, and often teach their own lessons. The teachers rarely show up and as for the students, it's become a game to show up to school. You can't really call it a school anyway. The students use it as a massive park or youth center. They obviously think they own the place as vandalism lurks in every corner. The Swyncrest town council can't do anything about the school, but luckily it is somewhat in the middle of a peaceful landscape. Or, what was a peaceful landscape.

Most of Swyncrest's residents have no idea about the school. Even some parents of the pupils that attend have no clue as to what goes on inside the gates. You see, each student swears an oath to never tell a soul about the school. And before they are officially classed as a member of society, they have to pass Hayley's expectations. Don't even get me started on them. Most of the parents that do find out, either move out of Swyncrest or if they are completely (in my point of veiw) insane, they let them stay on at the school. I think this is probably out of fear that their child may do something drastic if they don't allow them to do what they want.

So, back to Jake. Hayley's scene with this older man caused her to move even higher up in the ranks of Swyncrest High. I did say these girls are slightly sick in the head. In Jake's point of veiw, Hayley is just messing around. But really, he thinks that she doesn't care about him. You see, Jake's unlike the rest of Swyncrest High's pupils. He's intelligent, and he actually wouldn't mind living a normal life. But he hides all of this away under a mask that he wears everytime he is anything but alone. Even his best mate Harry doesn't know his most underlying secret.

The smell of bacon and eggs wafted into Jake's open apartment windows. He'd been given this apartment by his Grandmother, along with alot of other things that over time had been forgotten. It was nearby a brilliant restaraunt that often woke him with it's tempting aromas. But today, Jake's mind is spinning and it holds him down firmly in the world of sleep. Jake dreamed about Hayley's show with the man and what he would have done if he was there. How he would have punched the man squarely in the face.

Don't deny it, you already think Hayley is a bitch. And I totally agree with you because she is. Jake is always trying to convince himself that he loves her, but really that emotion was buried a while back. Jake has nobody to love truly. Apart from maybe Harry, he's been a loyal friend from the beggining. But as I've already said, even he doesn't know Jake's most important secrets.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2013 ⏰

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