1- Crash

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"Are you ready to go Stormy?" My mother called from downstairs.

"Almost!" I yelled back at her. I zipped up my suitcase and took another look at my room. I'm going to miss England but I am excited to go back to my own bed in New York. We live in a townhouse off of 5th avenue and Madison Avenue. My dad is loaded because he's a neurosurgeon. My mom works at a bank, not as impressive as a neurosurgeon but still good. She works a lot of late nights however, and loads of business trips. That's why we're in England. Though we do have family here in London, so it's nice to see my aunt and her husband again. She's always so much fun.

I went downstairs with my luggage and put it down on the floor by the stairs for our driver to get. My mother smiled at me and then looked down at her phone. Her blonde hair cascading down her face as her eyes fixated on her phone. She's almost always glued to her phone. She's been on it a lot more on this trip however.

My dad came downstairs and clapped. "Are we ready to leave? They got the private jet ready for us,"

I know what you're thinking. A private jet? What a spoiled rich kid. I suppose you're right, but there was a time when we lived in a sketchy part of New York, so I wasn't always a rich kid. My dad was still mentoring so my mom really paid for everything. They did get me into a self defense class. I was actually top of that class. They said I had a natural skill with throwing knives. I usually keep them on me if I'm walking around New York. Helps me not to get mugged. Trust me you always want to protect yourself in New York.

"I'm ready," I smiled. I was excited to go back home. I wanted to spend my 19th birthday with my friends. It was going to be so much fun. They have it all planed out and haven't told me a thing. I'm kinda excited for it really. It's in only a week! I'm also excited to see Nate, my boyfriend. He's been messaging me non stop since the trip. It's kinda sweet.

The driver came in and grabbed my bags. We followed him out and got in the car. My mom sat next to my dad and started looking at her phone again. I almost want to break her phone at this point.

The drive was boring. My mom kept checking her phone. Must be work again or something. My dad just looked out the window and pointed out more landmarks. He's kinda a history buff.

It wasn't long till we had arrived to the plane. I got on and sat down. I put my phone in my purse and put it in the seat next to me. I was most definitely taking a nap on this ride.

"Ready to be home sweetie?" My mom put her phone down and sat across from me. I smiled actually meeting her eyes for the first time on this trip.

"Yes!" I laughed. "Crystal keeps going on about Trevor asking her to go to California and she keeps begging me to stay over and talk about it," I smiled and shook my head. Crystal and Trevor had only been dating a few weeks now. It was weird to just go across the country with someone you've been seeing for so little. At least for me it is.

My mom laughed and the plane took off. I looked over at my dad who was already sleeping. I laughed to myself. He's always so tired. Must be all the long shifts.

Mom and I were talking about Nate and how he asked me to be his girlfriend before we left. We both saw it coming. Nate and I had been friends for years now. We always flirted with each other. I think everyone saw it coming really. My mom laughed and told me she though he'd ask sooner.

The next thing I knew I saw a bright flash from nowhere.


I opened my eyes to see our plane in bits. I looked down and tried to unbuckle myself but I couldn't. I was stuck.  I tried again and I still couldn't get it off. I felt trapped and that was making me anxious.

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