Her life growing up

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Hello I am Min y/n I am 18 years old and here is my story while growing up

Let's start from the very beginning ;)

Y/n was born in Daegu on January 13 2003 he mom got after her and he boyfriend "did it" and she got pregnant  y/n grew up in a really big house...well not a house...A MANSION yup her moms and dads parents were rich they stole a big amount of money from their parents bank acc their parents kicked them out of their houses for her mom getting pregnant but y/n grew up having everything she wanted toys candies friends and more, y/n mom and dad wanted their daughter to have everything she wanted, they're lives were perfect until one day...

Y/n and her parents were walking through a dark alleyway at the time y/n was 4 y/o so she didn't get anything that was happening then her mom spoke "hey y/n do you want to play hide and seek?" He mother asked her dad was confused but then y/n/m wispered something into his ear and he understood "Oki!!!" She said exited "Ok I'll count you and eomma go hide ok?" Y/n/d said "Ok let's go eomma" y/n said, her mom picked her up and put her in a place far away from were sh¡t was about to happen she also chose a place were no one would be able to see her "Stay here ok eomma is gonna hide somewhere else ok?" Y/n/m said y/n nodded her mother left all her belongings with her and left, y/n waited in that area for so long but then she heard screams...then a gunshot...and then more scream...but then...silence y/n was curious about what happened so she got out walked to were she heard the noises and saw her moms and dads lifeless body's there then she saw some men dragging there bodies in a car the back door was open so she jumped in and they started driving

Skip time 2:00AM

After a 2 hour ride they arrived y/n somehow managed to say awake she heard the men opening the door and saw her parents being carried she got on time before the closed the doors and lock it they went to a basement there y/n saw dead bodies labeled and some of the bodies were missing parts of their bodies and they had horrifying injuries one of the bodies had there eyes missing and had SUJU written on there she turned her head and saw jars containers and more inside were some organs y/n couldn't get the images out of her head she looked again at the men and they popped out her parents eyes they cut of their tongues then she saw her parents on their back and the men started carving SUJU on their backs with a screw driver and then they sprayed salt on there y/n was horrified she left the house and ran on the streets she got lost when a police officer saw her and pulled over "Hey sweetie why are you out here alone?" He asked the 4 year old "My mommy and daddy got killed in that house" She said crying and hugging him she pointed to the house "Do you have a clue of who might have killed them?" He asked her the only thing she remembered was the leters/word SUJU "I saw the word SUJU carved on some and my parents bodies" the man immediately took out his phone and called someone "I found them send them over a lot the locationis xxxxxxxxx" he then took off his jacket and put it on the little girl he waited beside her until a bunch of officers arrived he went up to a female officer "Take her to the station" he said she nodded and told the little girl to follow her they drove to the station the officer gave her snacks and gave her a computer for her to take her mind off things

A few hours later

Y/n had fallen asleep a few hours ago she woke up in a house at first she was scared but then she realized it was her friend Jisoo house she got up looked around the house she finally found Jisoo mother but she was talking to a officer but she still went up to her "Oh hi y/n what happened?" Y/n was hungry and she was scared to she told her that the mom called Jisoo Jisoo took y/n to the kitchen and gave her some snacks and they played some games y/n had to go to court as a witness and her side won the men tried to pay a big amount of money to the court but they refused and added that to bribery y/n got $50.000 (just pretend like its korean won I don't know the amount of that in korean won) y/n was given a choice to be adopted or to stay with her friend y/n did not want to be adopted so she chose her friend and ever since that y/n has been living with her friend but recently she moved into a apartment she was at legal age and had enough money till this day she still remembers her parents

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