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the muffled sound of dance music in the bathroom wasn't exactly comforting, but it was better than being outside. he looked at himself in the mirror one more time before washing his face with the cold tap water. in his head there was only one thought: "why the hell did i come, anyways? i knew they would ditch me". not to give out the wrong impression, his friends were great, he just really hated this kind of places. being the introvert that he was, crowded rooms filled with sweaty strangers bumping into each other didn't exactly scream good time. he left the dance floor twenty minutes ago, which meant it was probably time to go back. "well, since i'm already here i should at least drink something before heading home", he thought, already exiting the bathroom.

"one of those, please" he asked the barman, pointing to some drink a stranger was having that he had no idea what it was. he wasn't much of a drinker and at this point it didn't even matter the taste, he was just trying to make something out of this useless outing. he was ready to pay for it when someone's hand stopped him.

"i'll pay for his drink, just add it to my tab, please", said the young man directing a kind smile to the worker, who complied. "i just want to know your name in return" he said, now looking at the other, who was staring at him with a confused look.

"well, thanks, i guess.", he said, still staring at that unknown man. something about that voice wasn't too unfamiliar. "i'm minho. you really didn't have to do that, you know?"

"minho, yeah? i like that." he said with a smirk. "and i know i didn't, but i wanted to. you can call me han".

minho's confused face gave place to a little smile. he knew exactly who that was.

"oh, han? just like han jisung, right?" he took a sip of his drink while looking at the other's eyes. han's face went from flirty to startled in a second. meanwhile, minho's smile grew bigger, enjoying the reaction. he leaned closer and spoke softly, "don't worry, your secret is safe with me", following the frase directing a wink to the young man.

yes, han was famous due to his rap group, 3racha. but since they just revealed their real names, and had not yet shown their faces, he didn't expect to be recognized at some random club. but as soon as minho heard his name, it was easy to put two and two together. he could call himself a big fan of the group, listening to their songs almost every day. now he felt like the luckiest fan, being able to see j.one's face before everyone else. he took his time to observe his features, and quite honestly the boy reminded him of a little... squirrel? "a very cute one", he thought.

jisung was still recovering from what happened. just now he was a flirty confident gay but minho's words - and that wink - left him as a scared puppy. "it's okay, you can do this", han thought. heck, there wasn't much he could do now anyways. "fake it till you make it", he said to himself before speaking again.

"well, if anything, you are very quick on your feet, i didn't expect someone to recognize me just by my voice", he scratched the back of his head as he was a little uncomfortable now. but he couldn't back down just yet. "especially not by someone as handsome as you", he managed to say before staring at the floor. he couldn't help but feel self conscious.

"you're funny", minho said. "just now you were so confident flirting with me but as soon as i recognized you it all went away". he knew he was teasing the other one a bit much, but he didn't mind. jisung didn't seem to mind either, he was just happy that for some weird reason he felt like he could trust the other one with his secret.

despite the loud music, they managed to chat for a while, learning a little about each other. han now knew that minho was older than him by two years, worked as a dance teacher in a studio near by, and was pulled into that club by his friends seungmin and jeongin who had turned 21 recently and wanted to enjoy the "club life".

"i guess you are my hyung after all", han shyly said, regretting all the confident flirting from the beginning, figuring that the older one must be thinking that he was too forward.

on the other hand, minho learned that despite being a famous rapper, jisung was a little bit shy, which just made him a little happier to think that he overcame that just to flirt with him.

the club seemed to be getting more and more crowded as both of them felt a little cramped in the space near the bar. minho considered calling it a night and going home, just because he really wasn't comfortable with all those strangers bumping into him, but before he could say anything to the younger, he felt a grip on his wrist as he was being pulled somewhere.

"i can see that you are uncomfortable, just follow me" jisung said, pulling the other boy near the bathrooms, which made minho question where they were going.

before they reached the bathroom hall, jisung stooped near a door with the writing back door - authorized personnel only. he looked both ways before opening the door and pushing minho inside.

once inside, it was dark. minho struggled to adjust his eyes to the darkness, trying to figure out where the hell they were. he once again felt jisung's grip on his wrist and followed him to what seemed to be a flight of stairs. han picked up his phone with the other hand to shine a light on the staircase. no one said anything as they were climbing up. soon, they reached another door. jisung put his phone back in his pocket and opened the door, leading the way to the building's rooftop.

once up there, minho could spot a little sitting area, with some sofas and a little coffee table. there was no one else up there but the two of them, and he wondered if this was even allowed. he couldn't help but feel relieved to be away from the loud music and the sweaty people. once they reached a little closer to the edge, minho was mesmerized. the city lights looked like a painting from his point of view. there wasn't many cars in the street and he felt somewhat at peace.

suddenly a shutter noise startled him and he looked back at the sound, only to find jisung taking his picture. jisung was also startled, he thought he had the phone on silent, and was now embarrassed to be caught by the older.

"uhmmm, i'm sorry, this wasn't supposed to make a sound" he said, scratching the back of his head with a shy smile on his face.

minho stayed silent, staring at the squirrel-looking boy, and started moving his way. jisung didn't really know what to do, scared of what the other one was thinking about he just did. without knowing, he started backing up as the older boy was getting closer. minho never said a word, as he looked deep into han's eyes and continued to walk forward. suddenly jisung bumped into the wall, and there was nowhere else he could go considering minho was already too close.

"do you think it's okay to take pictures of other people without asking first?" minho finally said with a straight face and placing one hand on the wall, next to jisung.

"i-i don't, i wasn't taking a picture of you, i swear, i just wanted a shot of the city lights, i mean, you kinda showed up, b-but you were facing the other way and i thought it was okay, i-i mean, not okay, i-" he stopped talking once he saw minho's smirk. "ugh, why are you doing this to me? i thought you were mad at me!"

minho left out a chuckle and placed his other hand on the boy's chin. "you just looked so cute all scared, i couldn't help myself", he said. "don't be mad at me for playing a little", he asked, letting go of his chin and now with his mouth so close to han's ears that the younger could felt the air hitting his neck, which caused him to shiver a little. the older boy noticed that and smiled a bit, liking the reaction jisung had to his presence.

"are you cold, babe?" he whispered, again with little distance from the younger's body.

"n-no, hyung" jisung said, caught off guard by the nickname and now a little embarrassed by the transparency his actions had.

"i like when you call me that" the older boy said, now looking straight at jisung. the young boy could see that his eyes were different from before, he tried to figure out what it was. could that be... lust?

"but i also respond to daddy, if you like" minho said.

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