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"Crazy Carley! Crazy Carley!" Hannah, AKA, the leader of the 'Mean Girls' taunted Carley as she sat by herself at lunch. She chewed on her tuna sandwich and she waited for her bestfriend to come to her aid.

Hannah knocks her sandwich out of her hand and this causes Carley to get up, and glare at Hannah. Hannah laughs and this causes her "friends" to laugh with her.

"Oooh, guys she's gonna cast a spell on me!" she laughs. Chresanto comes to the table, and grabs Carley's hand, leading her out of the grade school cafeteria. Carley tries to calm down as Chresanto sits her down and he gives her half of his sandwich.

"Don't worry Carley. They are just meanies. You're not crazy. You're my bestfriend." Chresanto says. This was true. Chresanto and Carley lived six houses down. They met in preschool and had been bestfriends ever since. Carley had issues. Her mother had bad mental issues, which caused her to drool and studder and act like a 2 year old. Her father loved her mother no matter what, and that caused they're family to be strong. Carley had psychotic stages at 3 years old, which caused her to see monsters, talk to herself and hurt herself.

When she attended school it got worse. She would hide in corners from the "monsters" and run into the walls. Everyone made fun of get except one boy. His name was Chresanto. He had buck teeth and big glasses. He would try to calm her down and tell her there was no monsters and he would stop her from running into walls. The teachers contacted the mental hospital for help and now Carley takes pills and have "special" teachers talk to her.

In 3rd grade, Carley had Hannah and her group picking on her, and since Hannah had a huge crush on Chresanto she would sometimes leave Carley alone. Chresanto still had the dorky glasses, but now he had braces. He was a cute little boy, and Hannah was jealous of Carley. Carley was a beautiful dark skinned skinny girl. She had long jet black hair, and plump lips, and beautiful freckles.

"You're right." Carley says, giggling. Biting from the sandwich. Since she started taking those pills, she's became calmer, but she still hurts herself. She's been pulling out her hair, causing it to be bald spots in it, so she wears a beanie, and she wears gloves so she won't pick at her fingers.

"Promise me we will be bestfriends forever." She reaches out her pinky. Chresanto smiles and reaches out his pinky.

"I promise."

And they kept that promise until middle school. Chresanto and his family moved, which caused the bestfriends to drift apart. They went to the same middle school but Chresanto has gotten a new group of friends. Carley was alone. She was labeled the weird girl. She always had on too big clothes and combat boots. Her hair had grown in, but she still wore hats so she won't pull on it. Carley had gotten worse and worse. She picked up a habit of cutting and she would cut deep. She'd always end up in the hospital. Everyone at school knew what she was doing because her wrists had bandages on them.

Carley would see Chresanto but he never saw her. He became popular. His glasses were gone, and he just had braces. He was awfully cute and all the girls wanted him. Carley was happy for him, but she needed someone. Her world became darker as she started to hear voices in her head. It was three voices. Two bad ones and a good.

One day in 8th grade, Carley had the balls to go up to him just to say hi. Chresanto was talking to Hannah, who was asking him to the Valentines dance. Once Hannah saw Carley walking up her smile turned into a frown. She still was jealous of Carley, even though him and Carley weren't friends. He said yeah and she walks away, smiling. Carley carefully taps Chresanto on his shoulder and he turns around. His eyes go big as he recognizes his old bestfriend. He grabs her waist and pulls her in for a hug. Tears come from her eyes as she realizes how much she missed her best friend.

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