Mikael's Magic Moneymakers [Act 1]

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Our story for today is one of intrigue, mystery, chaos, and romance!? Well, I suppose we will just have to find out together won't we? Let us now join Mathius and his friends as they begin to uncover their hometown's darkest secret yet.

It was yet another Monday for the quaint town of Karrvillen. One day of many in a long line of dreadful Mondays that plagued most small towns of this variety. Dreadful, but ordinary by all accounts. Enter Mathius. A relatively average fellow all things considered, having just moved into the ninth grade as well. It would be his first year of high school, and while he feared what might lie in store for him, he felt he was ready for just about anything. Nothing a little bit of coat pocket hand muffling and striding across the halls couldn't resolve right? Regardless of what lied in wait for the plucky lad, confidence was the surest of his allies if even his friends failed him. Ah, speaking of which, it would appear that Mathius has spotted Mikael in the hallway. Let's see what unfolds.

Mathius had been practically glued to the side of a brick wall for how long he had been leaning up against a wall residing near the main office of the school itself. To his left, a vast hallway that was one of the main intersections of the school. A set of stairs wasn't too far from him, and a little ways from the staircase were the main doors that bus riders used most frequently as they were dropped off just outside in the plaza where the doors exited out to. To the left of the doors yet another vast hallway that was the most vacant and large of all the halls in the school. Going down there you'd find the cafeteria to your left, the library to your right, and another set of doors leading out of the building. Beyond that were two more hallways on the left and right respectively, both leading to a set of classes scattered throughout. Rewinding back to the stairs, traffic was most prevalent through the intersection as there were two paths leading past the stairs, as well as the nurse's office and counsellor's office lining the left path. To the right was yet another hallway that led to more scattered classes, most prevalently the secondary language classes. To Mathius's right was what could be referred to as the indoor plaza, complete with a few cushy chairs, preppy assholes, and some admittedly impressive pillars to boot. The indoor plaza area harbored the auditorium to the left, which acted as the theater as well. To the left of the auditorium, yet another set of doors leading in and out of the building. To the right of the auditorium was a hallway that led to the band hall. To the right of the plaza were the doors leading to the main office, and ahead of the office, resided the gym as well as the final set of doors that lead in and out of the building. The school had two floors in total, with the top floor holding most of the classes overall, with stretched out halls and connecting staircases to help navigate. The staircases often made for good shortcuts as they connected to the bottom wings of the school. The school itself had five wings in total. A, B, C, D, and E. A and B Wing residing upstairs, while the rest were downstairs.

Mathius paused for a moment and muttered to himself, "Who the fuck am I even talking to."

It would have appeared that Mathius's mind had been drifting off elsewhere as he remained stuck to a wall with nothing better to do really. He was confident about his classes, but he despised traveling alone, so he picked the cushiest looking wall he could and remained there until the bell rang. The time before class started was around an hour from what he could tell, he was never too sure though as while the bus he rode was rather early, his phone usually read ten after six. But just as Mathius had begun to stare out into the void once again, he had spotted a familiar sight lumbering out into the main hall. A behemoth of a human being, stood out like a sore thumb among the crowd of people. Clocking in at six feet and six inches, weighing around two hundred pounds, and harboring a cup of coffee so strong, the smell would give him away if he didn't already tower above most students. Mathius knew exactly who he was looking at.

"Mikael!", Mathius brazenly called out.

Mikael nearly spilled his coffee at the abrupt calling, but tried to maintain his posture.

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