Chapter .12.

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Hyunjin's POV:

Me and my hyungs where just finishing our shoot when Felix and jisung burst through the door.
"HYUNJIN!!" Jisung screams running over to me "you need to come with me it's an emergency!" He grabs my wrist pulling me out the door the others following close behind.
"Wait jisung stop! What is going on"
"It's seungmin" tears start to pull in his eyes
"WHAT!!" I scream and push past him going out the door and into the styling room"

"My baby" my voice is barely a whisper Slowly breaking as I see him passed out on jeongin's lap looking so fragile. "My poor baby what happened"
"He just passed out. And it's worse than you think"
Jeongin shifts him in his lap. I wrap my arms around his waist and a tear pull in my eyes as I slowly pull up his hoodie. Gasps where heard around me.
"Why" my voice finally breaking
He is so skinny
You can see his ribs.
Tears finally spilling from my eyes.
I lower his hoodie as jeongin speaks "I don't know. But let's not worry about this now. Let's get him home."
I nod and lift Minnie off my lap only to pick him up and carry him like a child. his head slowly falling into my neck.

We all load into the car Minnie still sitting on my lap and drive to my house.

When we arrive I pick him back up and carry him into my home and up to my room.

I carefully lay him down and cover him up climbing into the bed with him. I wrap my arms around him and drift off to sleep.

I wake to Minnie moving in my arms.
"Minnie" I grumble only to get a chocked sob sound in return making me immediately sit up
"Minnie what's wrong" I wrap him in a hug.
"Please let me go" he sobs trying to wiggle out of my hold.
"You don't care about me" he cry's harder
"Why would you say that?"
"He told me so. And it's ok I know you don't care."
"Why would you ever thing that?" I question "We all love you. I would not have asked you to hang out, spend hours talking with you, or think about you every second if I didn't love you! You mean way more to us, you mean way more to me than you ever will know."
I bring him into another hug as he sobs into my chest.
"Now who told you all this nonsense"
"What else did he tell you?" I ask getting angrier by the second but calming down quickly when I notice he is violently shaking.
"Um.. t-that I was just u-using you and you don't r-really like me and are j-just being nice. He called me a-a pig and said I-I was fat. And no one would want to be f-friends with me. And if I talked with y-you he will ruin y-your career" He breaks down again
"Oh Minnie your so skinny. Why would you ever believe what he said. We all know your not using us you different. So kind and loving. Minnie I will never let him ruin my career he is just jealous of how perfect you are." I coo softly stroking his hair.
"R-really" he looks up at me with big glossy doe eyes.
"Really my baby. Your so beautiful and perfect. Don't let anyone tell you different."

I bring him on to my lap and whip the tears off his face with my thumb.

I stare at him and he stares back

My eyes flicker down to his lips as I lick my own. His face flushes and turns to the side. gently grabbing his chin I turn it to face me
"I love you my Minnie" I press my lips on his soft tear soaked ones. "I love you to hyunjinnie" he mumbles against my lips as we brake apart
"I know this is sudden but Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask and he madly blushes hiding his face in my chest. "I can protect you from every bad thing in this world" I softly pinch his cheek.
"Yes" he nods and a i scoop him up off the bed like a child and spin him around.
"!!YAY!!" I excitedly scream very loudly only to hear a hoard of foot steps pounding up the stairs.

"Is everything ok" Minho screams bursting through the door
"Yea, just me and my boyfriend having some quality time"
I say making Minnie giggle
"BOYFRIEND" They all scream
"Finally I have been waiting for this moment since you two met." Felix yells
"My baby Minnie is all grown up" jeongin says
"I'm not a baby" Minnie says and pouts making Minho and Chan coo.
"Yes you are Minnie and if Hyunjin hurts you I will take care of it" Changbin says cracking his knuckles
"I will never hurt my baby" I yell and tackle seungmin into another hug

After the latter dies down Chan speaks
"On a more serious note. What happened Minnie?" He asks in a gentle voice seeing that seungmin has started to tear up.
"He called me mean names" Minnie says and wiped his noes. "Who"

After explaining the whole story every one was huddled around the two of us hugging.
"Never think you are a burden Minnie" jeongin says "we all love you" Felix adds.

"Now all we have to do is get you to eat" Chan says "your too skinny"
"I agree. Minnie you need some meat on your bones" I say making him giggle.

Oh how I missed his giggle

After a few more minutes of hugging they all left the room.
Chan, Minho, and changbin went to make dinner and the rest went to play video games on the tv.

Me and Minnie sat on the bed together "hey Minnie, if you ever feel like this again come and talk to me ok." I say as I play with his hair as he sits on my lap again. "I love you and never want you to be hurt like this again" I kiss his forehead "as for Lucas I'll take care of him"
He nods and leans up to peck my lips

"Now let's go downstairs and see what Chan is making." Seungmin whines puckering his lips "kissy" I laugh and kiss his lips. "Now let's go"
He whines again and holds up his arms "Carry me please" he says cutely "how could I ever say no to you my love"

"I love you" he mumbles against my chest
"I love you too"


『1184 words』

-!There will be an epilogue!-

Thank you all for reading. It's finally over!
I'm happy but very sad

I will be publishing a new book I just want to write a few chapters before I actually publish it.
I'll put the cover and description in an authors note before I publish the epilogue. It should be published in a day or two

My Cutie 『seungjin』✔️Where stories live. Discover now