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"How many more minutes?" Morgan asks, impatient. Every second counts. "It's at least another 20 minutes, I'm trying here." Rossi says. Once they got into the woods, speeding wasn't as easy on the bumpy dirt roads and the cabin they chose was a decent ways into the woods. Plus they also had to keep an eye out for deer and shit too. Reid had fell silent in the backseat as everyone talked over the phone on how they planned on executing this plan.

They had to go over all possibilities, what to do if they're not there, what to do if they're holding Hotch hostage, what to do if they killed him and had already moved onto the next state. They had to prepare for everything. Sam and Dean were unpredictable.

"So tell me this, Aaron. Why haven't you tried escaping yet?" Dean asks, a burger in his hand and Aaron tried ignoring the hunger pains that plagued his own stomach. God knows the last time he ate. "I'm restrained." He says, half honestly. He honestly was waiting for them to leave him alone. If he could get at least even one of his hands free, he could get out of these restraints. Sadly that hasn't happened yet.

They did that exorcism and he acted like he was in pain, even acted like he fainted before acting confused on his whereabouts. He wasn't sure how long they were gonna believe it before Dean's delusions took over and conviced him that Aaron was actually some other kind of monster. "You know, you can let me go. You saved me." Aaron says and Dean took another bite of the burger, before pointing to his brother.

"He said that too. And I was gonna because you're innocent now that you're not possessed anymore after all. But that bastard knew what he was doing when he possessed an FBI agent. If I let you go, we go to jail." Dean says mouth full and Aaron wanted to scream at him to shut the hell up, stop playing stupid games and let him go. He bit his tongue though. "You won't, why would I arrest someone who saved me?" Aaron says, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

He knew feeding into the delusion wasn't good but if it could get him the fuck out of here he was willing to do anything. There was way too much at risk right now. "No, I'm not fucking dumb. I know how you guys work." Dean says and Sam looked like he wanted to say something and Aaron gave him a look that said 'Well? Go on' and the youngest look at his brother before speaking up. "Then what're we supposed to do Dean? The other agents are looking for him. We can't just keep him forever." Sam says and Dean pushed himself off the wall.

Aaron wasn't entirely sure if he wanted to know what Dean's answer to that was. He could guess and all his guesses made his stomach turn and he prayed that he wouldn't throw up again. "I was thinking we could train him to help us. Be one of us. Fight the monsters and be apart of the cause ya know?" Dean says walking behind the chair the agent was sat in and Aaron tensed when he felt the others hands on his shoulders. "But you're right Sammy. He won't comply. He doesn't believe in the cause. We have to kill him. Which kills me to have to do, considering." Dean says and Aaron felt his heart pick up in his chest but he showed no emotion.

Dean was dangerous. Dean chuckled, shrugging as he finished off his burger. He didn't even look like he cared much. Aaron felt like he was gonna vomit all over again. He tugged at the restraints and Dean made a fake "I pity you" face and Aaron glared at him, tears glazing his eyes as he thought about his son growing up with now not only no mother, but no father as well. "I'll make it quick though agent. I'd hate to see you suffer. I'll get the shotgun Sammy, you stay with him." Dean says and Aaron watched as Dean left the room.

He knew this was a long shot but he couldn't just sit back and die. Not when Jack needs him now more than ever. Not when the team needs him. "Sam, you gotta let me go. You know this isn't right. You don't kill humans." He says pleading, noticing how extremely uncomfortable the other man had looked. Sam was questioning Dean's actions and Aaron had to use it to his advantage. He needed to get the hell out of here and fast. Sam's his only hope. "I can't I'm really sorry, agent. I'm so sorry." Sam says, pure pity on his face. Aaron knew he had to play his emotions against him. He needed to manipulate him in order for him to comply and free him.

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