Chapter 6: In the End

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"Alan" Monique calls, I go with my path "Alan" Monique calls again as she pulls my arm, I sigh as I stop walking and look at her "We agreed to be there for Vanessa, we agreed to do whatever it took to protect her, no matter what" Monique says "I know" I say "Then you need to snap out of it, the trial starts tomorrow and I need to know you are still on our side, that you still want Vanessa out of jail, and in your life" Monique says "I cannot guarantee any of that, Monique" I say "What?" Monique asks "I agreed to no matter what be there and do everything in my power to help her, but right now, after what happened with Rob, it is hard for me to keep my side of the deal" I say "Alan, it is a misfortune..." "Misfortune? A misfortune is to trip and fall, but this was all us, Robin is not with us, because we killed her, I should have walked away from Vanessa and all her issues, because it is clear her issues are bigger than all of us, I should have protected Robin, I should have ensured she was safe and I cannot believe she had to die for me to see that Vanessa only cares for herself" I say, Monique sighs "I understand..." I shake my head "You cannot understand, Monique, you haven't lost a thing" I say "Right, because everybody makes sacrifices, but me, apparently, it is my duty to look after Vanessa and clean up her act when she messes up, as hurt as you are, I am, because I have to see my sister finally hit rock bottom, I have to see how her sanity fades, and what's left is a bag of meat and bones, you are tired of this, I am tired too, I am tired of her, I am tired of her problems, I am TIRED, Alan" Monique snaps at me.

She sighs "I used to wake up happy, but now, I don't want to wake up at all, because when I do, there is a mess to clean up, and it is not even my mess" Monique says as she runs her hands through her hair "I know she screw up big, I know there is no way she is getting out of this, part of me is not happy about it, but the big majority is happy this is finally over" Monique says "Even if we have the spend the rest of our lives in jail?" I ask.

"Even if we have to spend the rest of our lives in jail, we deserve it, Robin never did anytning to us, and you are right, the blood of an innocent woman, one that was dragged into this mess, is all over us, and she deserves justice" Monique answers "Then you understand why I cannot be around Vanessa" I say, she sighs as she nods.

"I wanted to go to her funeral and I wanted to go beg her parents to forgive me for been the worst thing that could ever happened to their daughter, I wanted to look at her one last time, but thanks to my actions trying to keep Vanessa safe, I couldn't, and I had to wait for everybody to leave, so I could walk closer to her tomb and just cry, because I couldn't manage to tell her I was sorry, I lost the only woman who has truly cared for and loved me, I am sorry, Monique, but I am having a hard time, just like you, and I want nothing to do with Vanessa" I say as I continue to walk away.



"Mom" I answer "Come to Robin's restaurant" Mom answers back "I do not think that's a good idea, Mom, first, nobody in this town wants me near that building, and second, even if I wanted to, I cannot drag myself to go there" I say "Amanda and Theodore are asking for you to come" Mom says "Mom..." "Please them on this, you father and I will be there as well" Mom says, I sigh "Fine" I say "We will see you in a few minutes" Mom says and I hang up.

Getting shout at, that's the last thing I need today.

I take a deep breath as everybody (Candice, Ian, Mr. and Mrs. Walters, my parents, and Aurora) look at me, I simply close the door and sit down on the first chair I find.

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