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Felix's POV:

Kevin kicked me on the stomach as I spit blood..

"Y-you're having fun,d-d-dont you?"I glared at him..

"So much fun...The next thing you'll see is yourself, drowning.."Kevin said.."Boys,tie him above that transparent water container.."

"I want your friend see you drowning to death.."Kevin laughed..

"Y-y-ou're crazy.."I said as he put his hand around my neck..

"yeah..I'm crazy...I'll make sure you won't live..and that Jisung will be torture just like we did to you.."He added..

I want to beat him up right now..

His minions tied me above the container full of water..

"Let's see if this chan guy can save you.."Kevin said..

After a few minutes, Someone barged in..

It was chan hyung..

"Felix!!"He shouted..

"H-hyung!"I called..

He looked up at me..

"You finally came.."Kevin smiled..

He snapped his fingers as his minions attacked chan hyung and Chan Hyung started to fight them...

I tried to escape but failed..

Chan hyung was about to lose as he was punched and kicked on the ground..

"K-kevin!Just stop!Don't kill him!"I shouted..

"Oh,I don't have to....But it's you that I want to kill.."Kevin smirked.."cut the rope,boys.."

His minions cut the rope as I falls on the water container...

I tried to swim above but I keep sinking because I was tied both of my hands and feet..

I'm losing my breath...

Is this the end of me?

I saw chan hyung tries to fight again and I lose my concious..

Chan's POV:

I saw they let felix drown..

I tried to attack this guy but his companions punched me and kicked me..

"You're witnessing the death of your friend.."He laughed..

"You're a f*cking psycho.."I said.

He walked towards me and slapped me in the face..

"No one can say that.."He said as he holds my chin.."No one can saves you two.."

"Oh Really?you think that I came alone?"I chuckled as i kicked his companions and punched him on the face that makes him falls on the ground..

I put out my whistle and blow it as my signal..

Then,Police barged inside and point their guns..

"Don't move or we'll shoot!"The polices shouted as they handcuffed this guy and his companions..

Minho and Jisung came to me..

"Thank you,Min.."I said..

"No prob.."He added.

"Hyung!We need to get felix out of there!"Jisung said.


"Find a thing that can break that glass! We're running out of time!"I said..

As I tried to search some hammer or something until I heard the glass breaks as the water flows out..

It turns out Jisung broke the glass by using the hammer..

I quickly ran towards them as I saw Felix is with them,unconscious..

"Felix! Felix!Wake up!please!"Jisung said as he tried to wake him up..

"Let me,Sung.."I added as I put my two hand in felix's chest and pushed it so the water can come out.."Minho,Called the ambulance right now!Felix!Please,wake up!"

Minho nodded as he put out his phone..

I'm not stopping until you came back to us!

"Felix!I can't lose you! You're the only one I had here..please!"I cried..

I repeat and repeat what I did until felix coughed out..

"Felix!!"Me and Jisung called..

He coughed and coughed until the water came out of his mouth..

I hugged him tightly as he looked at me weakly..

"H-hyung?"He called out weakly..

"It's okay..it's okay...Don't talk first... we'll bring you to the hospital to check on you if you had any further injury.."I said..

Minho came back to us..

"I already called an ambulance.. they'll be here any minute now."Minho said..

"I-i thought...I-its going...to be the..end of me.."Felix cried.

"No..no... you're safe now... everything is going to be okay.."I comforted..

After a few minutes,the ambulance came and they take felix..

"Thank you for helping me..Minho, Jisung..If it's you're not here,Maybe I lose felix already.."I said.

"No problem.."Minho added..

"I'll be going then.."I said as I get in the ambulance and left..

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I hope you like this!❣️

Falling Inlove With My Twin Book 2 //JiLix Where stories live. Discover now