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[If you would like some songs to play while reading this I recommend apocalypse by cigarettes after sex, starlight by 92914, and us by keshi. Really good songs to read this with ^^]


How did you do it sim jaeyun?

How did you successfully capture the boy's heart I so desire?

The one thing I aimed at for years, was now taken by you.

No matter what I did you were always a step ahead of me.

Good looks, charms, vocals, the ability to capture girls, boys, and anything in between's hearts.. you had it all.

What am I compared to you?

An antisocial highschool senior who skips class to write poetry and diary entries under the bleachers.

Compared to the schools all rounder sweetheart?

I'm such an idiot to actually think I have chance..


"Heeseung?" There it was. That tender sweet voice that angels couldn't even mimic. Standing right before me, the guy caring the universe in his eyes, the guy who the whole world has heart eyes for, the guy who stayed with me until the storm had stopped to walk me home, the guy who comforted me after a panic attack, the guy who looked out for everyone at school, the guy who I have loved for years. Park Sunghoon.

"S-sunghoon.." My pen had dropped from my lack of grip. Those eyes that shine brighter than the sun itself, staring directly into mine. Oh I can get lost in those eyes for centuries.. "you okay? You're staring.." he muffled a laugh. I did it again.. "Oh crap I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to.." I should've started running. I should've never stayed out here.

"Its okay heeseung I'm just joking~" that smile.. why can't I escape it? The younger sat down beside me laying his head on my shoulder. And there my heart went. Unable to slow down. God I hope he doesn't feel my heart beating. "I'm so tired heeseungie~ ha... say.. whatcha writing~?" It was his accidental aegyo that made a certain shade of red creep up on my face.

I quickly closed it, hiding it under my arm. "Hm~? I could've sworn I saw a particular someones name with hearts around it~" How dumb can I be to not close it sooner. I mentally face palmed myself. "I-its probably just a-... an anime character or something.. you could've  read it wrong.." Lying is clearly not my forte. It's like I was watching myself on those bleachers make a fool of myself.

I'm just stuck behind this glass watching every wrong move I make. And here I was, being filled with a certain thought that turned to a need. The younger lifted his head up not realizing how close our faces were. Why isn't he moving?

"Whatever you say seungie hehe~" My eyes wandered toward a specific part of his face. His lips that turned to a smile made my heart flutter. Everything in the world suddenly disappeared from my head. Only me and sunghoon sat here with our faces mere inches away from eachother. He made every gloomy shade of color turn to a bright vibrant color that drawed you in.

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