dark shadow

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hello I'm dark shadow or as my close friends call me Jade I'm an alien from a planet known as Astine.

People from my planet or as I like to call them Astonians were always the most powerful beings in the universe but I was different then them I was always much smarter better with tech and very talented in hand to hand combat so I was as you say better they didn't like that I was better so they tried to kill me but I have 16 different powers so they had trouble my powers were superspeed, super strength, flight, fire, combat, water, sound, ice, energy, psychics, time, brain, technology, illusions, ground and heat vision.

After a long and exhausting battle I created an illusion to show the Astonians that I was dead when I really went ahead and planted a bomb at the planets core but before I did that I made sure to get everything I have against my weakness, Astatine because I heard they have that on planet earth.

 Then once I did that I put a psychic bubble around my head and boosted myself into space then I pressed a button on the bomb remote and I watched my birth place explode in front of my eyes it did hurt a little to see it blow up but it would have been more painful if they hadn't turned their backs on me so with that I sped off towards planet earth.

 On my way to planet earth I was going really fast and that's when I noticed a red portal open up and suck me in. when I opened my eyes I saw Shandon my old girlfriend who was my one good thing about that hell hole I called home. 

She was killed in front of my eyes by my bully because the bully knew he couldn't beat me. That's when I lost it I then thrust a vibrating hand right into his chest and crushed his heart. Then I sobbed my sorrows into Shandon's limp body (Shandon is literally a duplicate of Marley Rose) 

I asked if it was really Shandon but she said she was the speed force and she was here to thank me for taking out the one of the biggest threats in the universe and as a reward she made me the guardian of the speed force and because of that I would be the fastest speedster ever.

She also said going to send me 2000 years before any superhero so I could train and I could also time travel to grab things from the future so then she opened up a portal to earth-1. 

for the past 2000 years I've been gathering things to make my suit and thing that will come in handy for my suit I made a A.T.O.M suit but as a speedster outfit it has reinforced tripolymer so the suit doesn't catch on fire and a helmet that has a more advanced version of Gideon and then a black cloak that can turn me invisible to top off the black suit.

Then I have some other items that I've collected these are 1 kryptonite sword to deal with Kryptonians, 30 V10's V10 is a working speed drug from the future, 5 laser guns from the future,  the speed force stone as a gift from the speed force, 1 black Savitar suit, 1 miniature lab, 30 meta cuffs and by pure luck a green lantern ring.

Then it was 2016 and I was living in central city I was doing my daily stretches because of going superspeed when I saw something explode in the distance and then an orange wave of dark matter swept through Central city I was hit and knocked out but before I was knocked out I saw a lightning strike hit the police department and right there and then I knew the age of the flash had begun.

When I woke up I found out I had just gained stretch powers this might come in handy against my weakness I then trained for a couple of months with my stretch powers I then made my way to S.T.A.R labs I went in and saw Dr. Wells and I greeted him then I went to where Barry was in a coma I said greetings flash then I saw Caitlin and Cisco pointing guns at me I used my psychic powers and crushed them they looked at me shocked then I said I'm only here to wake up Barry they looked confused then I used my psychic powers to wake him up he sat up with a gasp then he looked at me and jumped back I held out my hand and greeted him I then said I'm here to train your powers he looked confused I then said that he has superspeed he looked surprised but got over it when cisco said there was a meta that was robbing banks and had control over the weather so me and Barry sprung into action we beat the bad guy and I put meta cuffs on him and then placed him in the pipeline and I could tell that we were going to be an awesome pair.

Time skip: 1 year

Barry: "Jade why haven't you revealed your face yet it's getting old staring into a mask all day."

Jade: "oh so your staring Barry"

Barry: "w-what n-no I was just wondering"

Jade: "I know I know fine I'll show you" *Jade took off his helmet to reveal a duplicate of Barry*

Barry: "what how I don't understand!?!"

Jade: "ever heard of the multiverse?"

Barry: "it's true I thought it was a theory? "

Jade: "yes it's true, now that that's cleared up you ready to kick some Reverse flash butt"

Barry: "Ok yeah what's the plan"

Jade: "ok I'll hold him in place with my psychic while you knock him out and I'll place meta-cuffs on him and throw him in the speed force prison"*Barry nods in agreement*

we arrived to see Reverse flash standing there with a smug look.

Reverse flash: "you think you can beat me". 

Jade: "I don't think we can I know we can".

Jade POV

I tried using my psychic powers but he broke out Barry held him down then I used my ice powers powers to temporarily disable his speed and then I used my super strength to knock him out then put meta-cuffs on him then we brought him to an open field so I could call out the speed force.

Normal POV

Speed force: thank you for your duties Jade and flash. I'll be taking Thawne to his eternal hell

Jade: your welcome*Thawne and the speed force disappear* "ok Barry I have other problems to sort out but I'll give you a word of advice"

Barry: Okay what is it

Jade: I know you like Caitlin

Barry: W-what no way

Jade: don't make me force it out of your brain

Barry: ok ok I like Caitlin

Jade: I suggest you pursue that crush and I know what your going to say, you don't have to be worried about her rejecting you because I'm confident she like's you

Barry: you really think so?

Jade: I know so, so don't hold back and tell her how you feel

Barry: Ok I will tell her bye Jade

Jade: Bye Barry, now I'm off to solve some different problems I think I'll learn how to use my green lantern ring.

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