Early mornings | Vex

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7:02 am.
Despite it being a Saturday, Tex knew he needed to get work done.
As much as he'd love to stay in and sleep for the whole day, he knew he couldn't.
A project that he was assigned to do was due in about a month, and he was already backed up by several things, so, he tried his damnedest to avoid waking up his partner as he forced himself out of their arms and off the bed.

"Maybe the work will go by quicker if I take some caffeine.."

He thought to himself as he was standing at the coffee machine, waiting for the hot brew to be ready.
He taps his foot impatiently, as he drifted off into a half awake daze.
His movements begin to slow down as his eyes slowly go shut, just about ready to fall asleep on the god damned floor, but he quickly snapped his eyes opening, standing up straight as a sharp beeping, along with the sound of liquid hitting glass was heard.

Blinking a bit, he realized that the coffee was now finished, and all he had to do was wait for the pot to be filled.. he avoided spacing out by tapping the kitchen counter, giving himself something to focus on.
Taking another glance at the coffee machine, he saw that the coffee pot was now filled.
Humming, he takes the coffee pot, and walked over to a overhead kitchen cabinet, opening it.
Scanning the shelves for a quick moment,
He took out a plain white mug from it, placing it down onto the counter, and began to pour the hot liquid into the mug.

Afterwards he placed the coffee pot back into the coffee maker, to be dealt with later.
He sighed, knowing that he now had to get started on work-

"Ugh, maybe I can just..- No, I can't. I already asked them to give me more time.."

He just made himself suck it up, that's what he knew best, after all.
He's a grown man, a little sleep deprivation isn't that big of a deal.

Taking the mug by the handle, he walks into his office, sitting at a desk in which he placed the mug down onto, not before taking a small sip of it, careful to avoid burning himself.

Turning the computer on,
he started getting to work on the programming that needed to be done for the project that he was assigned to do,
And with the caffeine flowing through him,
And his pure determination, he was quickly absorbed into his work,
not stopping for any reason in the world.
Hell, the world could've been ending and he still would've not given up as long as it meant that he'd finish his work.
It's what he was meant to do, after all!
Still, despite how hard he focused and how much care and detail he put into every string of code he written,
he could still hear that familiar voice mocking, berating him, saying that it wasn't enough.

'You can do better than that. You're supposed to be the smart child.. I didn't raise no idiot, did I?'

Tex breathed in, leaning back into his chair as he rubbed his face, trying to get the thoughts and memories out of his head.
To distract himself, he picks the mug of coffee up again, about to take a sip, when he noticed..
The mug was completely empty!
Silly him, he must've drank it all while he was focusing so intensely.. ah well, guess he'll get another cup later, he can deal with this for now.
After a few seconds of psyching himself up, he began getting back to work, going into his own little world..

7:58 am.

Time had passed and he gotten a considerable amount of work done in that short time, he almost started thinking that he'd actually finish phase 1 sooner than he thought!
But that, was when one of the things that was gonna make this incredibly harder for him began.
Hearing the sound of footsteps and shuffling,
He snaps out of his focus, and looks over to the entrance to his office.

..ah. Just as he thought.
His partner stands in the doorway, rubbing their eyes under their large glasses groggily.
it surely seemed like Viros' had just woken up, as he was still in a simple grey t-shirt and black shorts that he wore to sleep.
Tex had to admit, vivi looked absolutely adorable when he was sleepy..

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