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Flashback Continued - 8 years before... (3rd Year at University)

Just like he had been in school, Tul was very popular in the University too. His charm and his flirtatious ways ensured he always had someone or the other hitting on him.

And though he never accepted any invitations for dates or any other one on one activities, he didn't hesitate to hangout with groups.

Though Max had learned to live with this and never questioned Tul's actions or intentions, as he certainly had no claim over Tul, he couldn't really stop the jealousy which would burn through his heart and mind whenever he saw Tul get closer to someone else.

But it wasn't until the annual field trip of the cultural club during their 3rd year at University, that Max totally lost it.

It wasn't a wonder that Tul was the President of the cultural activities club. And it was even less surprising that their club had the highest number of members.

The day of the field trip Tul had been all over the place. Belting orders to the 3rd year seniors who were taking care of all the activities, while he ensured the younger ones felt welcome and comfortable.

Max had been in a bad mood that day, as he had found out Tul would be going back to Pattaya in a few months to start his internship. So far Max had still not received any confirmation from any of the companies he had applied to. And the thought that he might get separated from Tul only made him feel cranky and upset.

There was still a whole month for him to find a company that would accept him, but it was not necessary that he would find a company in Pattaya to intern in.

On top of that there was a particularly irritating 1st year junior named Night who seemed to be hitting on Tul incessantly. He was leaving no stone un-turned to impress Tul.

Tul too seemed to be humoring the young junior.

From sitting next to him on the bus ride to the resort to partnering with him that evening for the group games organised by the seniors.

Max had been assigned to distribute the snacks to the group and had not been part of the team games. Just as he came back carrying boxes of snacks to the sandy ground near the beach where all were gathered he spotted Tul and Night engaged in what appeared to be a kiss.

Max just couldn't control the red rage that took over him at the sight.

Without warning he walked over to the duo and yanking on Night's shirt collar from the back pulled him away from Tul. The moment the youngster was away from Tul, Max threw a punch connecting with a smack with Night's jaw, making the boy lose his balance and fall backwards to land in the sand.

Not satisfied with dealing one blow Max jumped the boy and holding the lapels of his shirt proceeded to hit him again.

Everyone was to shell shocked to move. Max was not the overly friendly kind, but he wasn't the aggressive bully type either.

The sound of Max's fist slamming into Night galvanized Tul into action.

"MAX! MAX! Stop it!" Tul shouted.

At the same time trying to pull him off the inert form of Night.

After a brief tussle Tay and Off managed to get Night away from Max while Tul managed to drag Max away towards the room at the hotel, the 2 had been sharing.

All the way to the room Max struggled and shouted and made a helluva ruckus to get away from Tul.

The moment they were inside the room Max freed himself from the death hold Tul had on his wrist and turned the full force of the anger boiling inside him on Tul.

Photograph (TulMax / MaxTul) - FFWhere stories live. Discover now