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Chp 2: The Breaker Room

Yachi glances at the clock. 6:04 am. She then looks back at the door to the breaker room.

The noises still screech as the door hang slightly open. The girl felt her heart quicken, but her curiosity was stronger than her fear.

With hesitation, Yachi step into the room. As soon as she was in, the door behind her close almost immediately. The scared blonde jumped from the sudden sound behind her.

"Guess I could use some overtime.."

She mumbles out as sparks were seen from different types of tvs, computers, even some old radios seems somewhat functioning.

The room was dark, hard to see most things from afar. But what caught Yachi's eyes, were a tablet, similar to the one in the office.

She made her way to the tablet, trying not to bump into the shelves. She picked it up, and immediately a flash of light blinds the room, but only for a moment.

As the flash fades, Yachi opens her eyes, only for her to widen further as she spots silhouette in the distance.


She hugged the tablet for some kind of comfort as the lights flash again, only this time, her eyes adjusted a bit to it. She sees the silhouette move with each flash.

Her heart quicken as she turns on the tablet. The light from the small electronic shines as she sees different buttons, with a map to the right.


A sickening giggle was heard next to her. In panic, she accidentally press the audio button she didn't have time to check.


A voice rang all over the room. Both the giggle and the voice bring a sense of familiarity to her. She looks back at the tablet again.

'Restart generators? WHO NEEDS THAT MUCH GENERATORS???'

"I see you there~!"

Yachi flinches as she darts her eyes to the figure, getting a full view of what it was. An animatronic look nothing like the others she seen before. The colors of white and cyan painted on the clothes.

A faint cyan sheet covers the arms, the fabric seems to be coming from behind. Brown hair, style in a way to not get the hair in his eyes, except for that one strand.

But, the most unsettling feature bout this was his face. No not the eyes or anything. It was his smile. That smile seems to never falter or move at all.

Yachi felt her sweat as a spark covers her view. Then the lights flashes again, having the animatronic moving closer.

She hold the tablet and tries to get away. But he was still looking at her. So she looks for the audio button.


Yachi looks back at the animatronic, seeing him looking the other way, she took the chance to hide while he was still distracted.

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