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"they want us?!"

"they do!! it's written in the letter!"

"for real?!"

"yes!! we did it ten! we did it!"

taeyong and ten were overjoyed by what they had just learned.

the two boys were hugging tightly, not thinking one second about the barriers they had set between them.

the had achieved their dream.

they had done it.

they were finally going to enter sm entertainment and become idols.

"oh my god taeyong, i love you!" ten exclaimed, tears coming out of his eyes as he wrapped his arms around taeyong's neck and his legs around his hips.

"i love you too, ten!" taeyong replied with excitement, hopping around with ten in his arms.

none of the boys realized what they had just said.

they were too happy for that.

but eventually, after a few seconds of extreme joy, their laughers and yells faded as they registered the position they were currently in.

taeyong was holding ten up with a hand under his thigh, and the other around his waist, a very intimate position considering that their faces were inches apart, and that their eyes refused to look away from each other's eyes.

and more than that, their faces were slowly getting closer if you payed attention.

sadly, yuta didn't pay attention to that.

"yuta didn't understand..." the hybrid pouted after pausing the movie.

that's when ten and taeyong regained their spirits and realized what was happening.

taeyong immediately set ten down, the thai male taking a step back when he could feel the floor under his feet to separate from his best friend.

"huh..." taeyong coughed, combing his hair back with his hand. "do you remember the show ten and i participated in?"

yuta nodded quickly, recalling how enchanted he had been by the vision of his two owners danging like gods in front of dozens of people.

"the ceo of our dream company was there to watch us, and he enjoyed the show, so he asked us if we agreed to enter his company and become idols."

yuta gasped before clapping. "woah! you are the best!"

"we are." taeyong chuckled, glancing at a blushing ten.

"so, you are idols now?" yuta asked excitedly.

"not yet. we have two weeks to give our answer. but in two weeks, we will be."


three days had passed since taeyong had opened the letter from sm entertainment.

both taeyong and ten still felt overjoyed.

it seemed like the little cold barrier that had settled between them in the previous weeks was completely forgotten. and it was the same with yuta.

the three boys were acting unusually clingy towards each other, which was a cute sight to see.

cute but unusual.

surprisingly ten and taeyong were closer to each other.

not that they minded, but it was quite strange for them.

it seemed like the boundaries they had set months before were completely forgotten.

they frequently made each other blush, giving soft touches here and there, and this was very confusing for both boys.

sure, ten knew that his feelings for taeyong had never died down, but having this kind of proximity when they were supposed to try distancing themselves was rather strange.

did that mean that taeyong was ready to start something with ten?

but then, why did he continue seeing jaehyun every day?

on taeyong's side, it wasn't any better.

it seemed that his heart didn't know what it wanted anymore.

was it jaehyun? was it ten? was it yuta?

his level of confusion was higher than it had ever been.

at the same time, yuta was his baby, his treasure, his rare pearl that he didn't want to share with someone else than ten; but yuta was also a source of love and comfort. he was the one to cuddle into taeyong's side whenever the boy would feel down. he was the one to offer to sleep with him when the nights were too cold. he was the one taeyong wanted to love and cherish forever.

and ten... oh ten...

taeyong was discovering him again. it was as if they had never had fallen for each other before. taeyong's heart was threatening to fly out of his rib cage every time ten would be affectionate towards him.


"taeyong, do you have an idea where my earphones could be?" ten asked, interrupting taeyong in his binge-watching.

"have you looked in the cupboard next to the front door?" tayeong replied.

"right!" ten exclaimed before running towards the furniture.

"they're here!!" he yelled, raising them in the air. "thank you!" he added, dropping a kiss on taeyong's cheek on his way back to his room.

"y-you're welcome..." taeyong stuttered, still feeling ten's plump lips lingering on his cheek.

and here was his heart beating out of his rib cage once again...

he couldn't continue living like this.

he had to do something.

but do what? 

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