Vinnie and you have been dating for a few months and the prom is in 10 days, all your friends already have dates and he hasn't ask you yet
Y/n: i don't know girls
S:babe he's your boyfriend, maybe he assumes you two will go together you know?- Sab rubs my back
Y/n: i of course wouldn't go with anyone else but still, is a formality and it makes you feel special, I just feel he takes me for granted some times
An: why don't you invite him?- Sab and and looked at Boon like "really?!"- hey it was just an idea, what about it? If you want it so bad just do it- she threw her arms in the air
Ev: ok we need to go in now- she said and we walked into schoolI was taking things out of my locker while I talk whit cooper and Sab. I feel a pair of hands on my waist and they turn me around revealing Vinnies cute ass face. I smile
V: hi princess
Y/n: hi baby- he pecks ny lips and I smileWe start making out and he grabs my ass making me get out a breathy groan I isn't know I was holding, against his lips. This man has some fucking nerve
Y/n: Vincent!- I say and slap his arm
S: okay fine you like each other now please stop the saliva exchange-Vinnie chuckled and hugged my waist from behind
V: hey, Coop, wanna come with me later to get a tux
Y/n: hm? What for?
V: for the prom- he tries to kiss me but I put my hand to his lips
Y/n: uhh babe, if you think that's a proposal, you are very much mistaken- I shook my head and walked away with Sab
V: y/n!!C: good luck bud- he said and patted Vinnies shoulder and walked away
____________________________I was walking to my car when I see Vinnie leaning against it using his phone
V: hello again gorgeous, I haven't seen you all day
Y/n: well you are a senior and I'm a junior so yeah we dont really have classes together- I say while he pulls me close to him
V: c'mere bub- he said and kissed me. I can't be mad at this man, ever- you know I love you right?- he said brushing his lips with mine, that was the first time he says itI owe Anna 20 dollars for that one
I smile like an idiot, ANSWER Y/N
Y/n: i love you too- i say and attach our lips again
V: i need to go now but, I'll talk to you later k babes?- i nod and he starts to walk away but I grab his arm and pull him back to me, calling his name, and kiss him once more. I bit his bottom lip and he squeezed my cheek
Y/n: i love you- i smile and Vinnie pecks my lips
V: I'll be late for practice, y/n, are you going to explain the coach why the captain was late?- i rolled my eyes- that's what I thought- he kissed my nose and walked away. I got in my car shaking my head and laughing to myself
NEXT DAYI walked into school and there were my friends
An: hey y/n
Y/n: hey boon
S: did you talk to Vinnie yesterday?
Y/n: i couldn't stay mad at him he's so cute
Ev: here he comes- she pointed at the door and Vinnie was saying hi to everyone, guess that comes with being popular right?- i smiledY/n: good morning babe- i went in for a kiss but he hugged me and separated quickly- uh...
V: sorry i really need to go. Bye everyone
Y/n: wtf was that
Ev: i have no idea, he's your boyfriend.We were at lunch and I was sitting with the girls and their boyfriends
I see how everyone goes silent and looks at me, I start shaking and try to cover it by laughing looking at Sab. She smiles and I hear someone clear their throat so I turn around.
I see Vinnie with a bouquet of jazmines and a sign that says "prom?". I stand up
V: y/n y/l/n, babe, would you do me the amazing honor of being my date to prom?- he says getting down of the table slowly. I smirk and raised an eyebrow, blushing. I pretend to think about it, there was nothing to think about really.
Y/n: YES!- everyone starts to applaud and Vinnie lets the sign fall to the floor and he lifts me in the air, kissing me
V: im so incredibly in love with you, y/n.
E: i love you, babyEveryone was cheering and congratulating Vinnie and I
This boy will be the death of me one day.
Ayooooo first one, comment or dm me your requests😌✨