It's y/n and Vinnies first valentines together and they've been dating for almost four months.
Currently laying on Vinnies bed, cuddled with him
Y/n: morning- i smile
V: good morning babe
Y/n: you know what day it is today?
V: last nights special treat and your over all excitement gave it away yes- he grinned
Y/n: you're making me sound like a clingy, cringy girlfriend. I just never spent Valentine's Day with anyone before
V: i find it really fucking cute
Y/n: you find last night cute? Woah, so you are even more dark and kinky than I ever thought- Vinnie threw his head back laughing
V: trust me baby, theres more where that came from
Y/n: hm, do tell, I'm intrigued
V: you want me to show you instead?
Y/n: Please do- i smirk and Vinnie comes close to my lips, then sighs and says
V: bummer, I've things to do- he gets off the bed and puts on his sweatpants
Y/n: fuck- i cover my face with my hands. Grey fucking sweats
V: i do, so very much, that's why I have to go, come down in 15 will ya?
Y/n: are you going to tell me what the plan is or... I need to know the right outfit
V: just come down in your pjs
Y/n: what do you mean in your p- but he was already out the doorFifteen minutes after I run down the stairs and Thomas is there filming me, along with Vinnies camera man who I do not remember the name
Y/n: what did he do now?
Th: I don't know- he laughs and I look at him with my eyes half closed, suspiciously
Y/n: like hell you don't know, where?
Th: movie room
Y/n: now im officially terrified- I say walking my way to the room- Vincent what the fuck did you do n- I looked around the room, speechless- shut the. front. Door- I say taking it all inbreakfast was carefully placed in a beautiful red tablecloth on top of a little table, and cushions all around it. Pancackes, fruit, chocolate strawberries, orange juice and coffee
V: u like it?
Y/n: if I like it? Babe this is incredible I love it!!!- I jump on him and hug him while I hear Thomas laugh behind us
Th: I'll leave the two of you to it
V: thanks for the help
Th: only the best for the only girl that makes you voluntarily get out of your room
V: more like wanting to spend every second inside- he gets close to me and whispers- both of you and the room
Y/n: Vincent!- i laugh- bye Thomas
Th: gross- he shakes his head and leavesVinnie and I watched movies and ate breakfast together, by the time we we're done it was already noon and we had spent four hours in the movie room
Y/n: get changed we are going to the beach- I say and ran to Vinnies room
Once on the beach, we sat on the sand and just talked about everything and nothing, like we always do
V: come here, I want to hug you- he says and I scoot closer, letting him wrap his arms around me
Y/n: am i the most cliche girl ever for saying I love you on our first Valentine's Day?
V: nah i don't think it's... yo wait you- I nod and smile
Y/n: i love you, Vinnie
V: well that's good, because I love you too, y/n y/l/n- he smiled and kissed me deeply, making me grin widely into the kiss and making him laugh- I love you
Y/n: happy Valentine's - I put my head on his shoulder and we watched the ocean waves crash, as we repeated our new favorite 8 letters to each other, time and time againI love you