Chapter I: Visions

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The line between dreams and reality is a thin one. Sometimes they are nothing more than passing thoughts, whilst other times, they could be a vivid vision of startling proportions. They were a gift, a gift that allowed the impossible and incomprehensible to be such, even in the most vague and impossible images. Maybe it was the fact that some things were impossible to grasp that led many to disbelieve the things people aren't used to. Such as magic, or impossibly ancient creatures. Of course, under that logic, one could assume that it's the impossible things that disbelieve what is possible, making it a total reverse of the latter. Perhaps that's why people intended to keep them separate; in an attempt to prevent the two sides from clashing and maybe even destroying one another. But there still existed that thin line among dreams. It was a line...that would finally break.
Life on the Isle of Avalon, the ultimate land of fantasy, had always been wonderful for Asger Stormfire. But lately, he had been feeling a little troubled. He knew, of course, that he had many, many great friends. Yet, for some reason he couldn't really pin down, the young dragon had an emptiness within him. The chilling scene of his older brother Drago seeming to drift soundlessly away every time Asger attempted to reach out to him, his form dissolving into the ghostly wraith that he'd become under the Sorcerer's Curse, haunted the young dragon's thoughts each night; by now it had almost been four days. Waking shortly after dawn, he had a quick breakfast of two rabbits, before cleaning up and emerging from his cave to search for the Ancient One. Several of the other dragons cast puzzled glances at the young dragon as he walked silently toward Lord Ragnar's abode. The Ancient One was just finishing cleaning up after his own breakfast, when a soft knock on the stone alerted him. "Asger!" The elder dragon wore a joyful smile as he greeted his young friend. "How nice of you to come by! Please, come in! Would you like a bite to eat, or something to drink?"

"Just water, please. And thank you." the young dragon gratefully accepted a mug of cold, fresh spring water offered to him by his friend. As he drank the cool, refreshing liquid, Asger closed his eyes slowly, sighing in satisfaction. The day, like so many before it, passed rather uneventfully for the young dragon. Yet Asger couldn't seem to shake the feeling that his nightmare about Drago...was more than just that. Asger could feel it in his blood: something dark...something terrifying, was lurking on the horizon. Yet Asger found no need to breathe word of his fears to Lord Ragnar; the ancient dragon had utilized an extremely rare ability that allowed him to look into the minds, memories, and dreams of others. The elder dragon was deeply troubled by Asger's assumptions. Yet there was only one way to verify the youngster's deepest fears. Asger, over time, chose to confide in Lord Ragnar's repeated reassurances that he was safe, and so he gradually forgot about the nightmares. However, what Lord Ragnar found just days later, proved that his young friend's fears hadn't been unfounded, or merely a fantasy conjured from a troubled mind.And yet, the young dragon couldn't shake the feeling that his fears were, in some miniscule way, all too real.

Searching the isle from end to end, in every conceivable direction, did offer some respite from Asger's fears when he found that no enemy was in hiding. Desperate, Asger headed to the great hall, and sought out one of Avalon's few shamans. Egarun Bloodspike was only slightly older than Draco, with silvery-white scales aside from a deep silver chest and belly; one easily could have mistaken him for Draco himself, otherwise. His emerald green eyes were indeed a sight to behold, and legends abound that he was nearly as wise as Ragnar himself! An ancient leather belt with several pouches of various herbs and spices adorned the dragon's waist, and he even had two faded silver rings engraved with mysterious runes upon his two most prominent horns. Normally he did not wear the pouch of herbs, but today was an exception.

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